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June 14, 2018

Barb Kowal

Clark Teuscher

Laurie Bollig

Herb Vincent

Doug Vance

CLARK TEUSCHER: Hello and welcome to tenth and final installment of the 2017-2018 CoSIDA Continuing Education series, sponsored by Capital One.

My name is Clark Teuscher, I’m the Sports Information Director at North Central College and the chair of the CoSIDA Continuing Education Committee. I’ll be moderating today’s webinar, as we provide you with all the information you’ll need to get the most out of your experience at this year’s CoSIDA Convention in Washington, D.C.

Today’s discussion is being recorded and will be made available, along with a full FastScript from CoSIDA’s official transcript provider, ASAP Sports, for on-demand use at our online community, CoSIDA Connect.

Attendees on today’s webinar are welcome to submit questions in the chat window during today’s presentation, and we will address as many of them as time allows.

Presenting on today’s webinar are CoSIDA executive director Doug Vance, associate executive director Will Roleson, director of professional development and external affairs Barb Kowal and director of membership engagement Laurie Bollig, as well as Herb Vincent, associate commissioner of communication at the Southeastern Conference and CoSIDA Second Vice President.

There is a great deal of information to discuss today, so we’ll get started with a few opening remarks from Doug Vance. Doug, welcome.

DOUG VANCE: Thanks, Clark. I appreciate the opportunity to be on today and thanks to everyone for being here. Just two weeks away from the convention and today I want to give you a preview of what to expect, and I'll start off with an attempt to underscore with a quick overview why this event is important in enhancing your career. The CoSIDA Convention is part of and a half that convention week and we have nearly a thousand convention attendees currently registered. There will be among 7,000 athletic administrators representing a dozen different organizations in attendance.

The convention will offer 74 different educational panels and topics, plus eight panels in the SIDEARM Sports Leadership Forum presented by Learfield, there will be eight product theatre presentations. That's a total of 88 educational events, and includes two and a half that mega sessions.

Also three sessions in the brand new intense learning lab called educational lounge. Under networking, you won't want to miss the two general session awards lunches. Speaking of awards during the week, we will honor nearly 50 people with award presentations including six inductees into the CoSIDA Hall of Fame. There will be more than 20 meetings of leadership groups, networking opportunities and social events every night, plus two and a half days of the CoSIDA Exhibit Hall.

Finally, under special events, more than 200 people competing in the fun run, an event we take pride in, the goodwill wellness and service project.

Also, you don't want to miss the Google Cloud Academic Hall of Fame hosted by Reese Davis on Thursday night. It's all over three and a half days. It's where you grow as a professional, where you enhance your network of friends and resources around the country and where we shine as an organization. A lot of people put in a lot of work and effort to make this event possible, and a few of them today are going to tell you about the convention.

WILL ROLESON: We'll jump into the convention overview. You're going to hear a lot today, everything is available at the 2018 convention page on CoSIDA.com which is continuously updated. We'll debut the mobile app next week which you'll hear more about. We are expecting a great convention, over a thousand attendees.

This year, the first time that's happened since 2001 in San Diego. Very much looking forward to a great event. Registration does remain open at the website you see on your screen now. It is at the on-site rate but you can do that now rather than waiting and having to stand in line on the on-site registration when convention opens in D.C.

Regarding the hotel situation. Again, we'll be at the Gaylord National, which is a great property there, national harbor Maryland, just south of the District of Columbia. I think most of you are aware that that sold out in less than a half hour when we opened in early February and we have some blocks at satellite hotels. You see the photo there, it's a great facility with plenty of meeting space to accommodate our needs and NAFTA and affiliates' needs. Registration does open at 7:00 A.M. on Wednesday, June 27 for both the SIDEARM Sports Leadership Forum presented by Learfield and the main convention.

In national harbor, there's plenty to do, unlike Orlando or even Dallas, the hotels are off on their own. There are plenty of entertainment and food and beverage options there within walking distance, in National Harbor. It's a little city that's been created on its own in the past 20 or 30 years, so very tourist friendly and convention friendly, as well.

You will be issued, of course, your convention name badge when you show up onside, and if you're pre-registered, we'll have it right away, or we'll make it right away if you're doing onsite registration.

We do require you to wear this to all of our panels, food service events, socials, etc., and most specifically, we'll remind you to bring it to the ESPN party at the peer on Thursday evening. We do an off-site event just down the street there in National Harbor. So again, expecting a great convention. We talked a little bit about some of the operational pieces.

Now I'll turn it over to bash to give some discussion about our mobile app. Barb?

BARB KOWAL: Hello, everyone and thanks for joining us today. We are incredibly excited about every aspect of our convention that's upcoming. We'll talk a little bit later about the programming aspects, but right now, our app will be available next week. We are finalizing some pieces right now and all of you will receive instructions if you registered for the convention, we will also place instructions on our website and social media channels, as well and you will be able to personalize the app and you'll be able to make your own schedule and we added that last year. We thought that it received a tremendous response, so we want to make sure that you can personalize all your information and everything that you need to know about CoSIDA '18 will be on that app.

There also is a NAFTA app and that can be downloaded. We'll have a link to that, as well. That can be down loaded from the Google or the iTunes store, as well. They will have a lot of information on their sessions and on their programming, as well.

So the app, again, one thing we want to make sure everybody understands is we don't provide a full, extensive comprehensive printed program anymore. The pocket schedules went away a few years ago. People have been using the app and so if you are someone who would like to have something in your hands, in addition to the app, please make sure that you go to CoSIDA.com, go to our convention page. You can print out the PDF of our schedule which is updated, as soon as we have changes that go in place.

I think that's it for the app. If anybody has any questions, please put your questions in our -- in the question form here, and we will turn next to the wi-fi. Really happy, again, I don't know how many years in a row we've been able to present our members accessibility wi-fi in the convention area free of charge in the Gaylord Hotel. So you will have a log in for your room, and everybody who attends the convention, will have a different log in for the convention center itself.

So again, if you are in the sleeping rooms at the Gaylord, you will be logged in differently when you hit your room versus when you go down to the convention floor. Logins and pass codes will be in the registration material that you have, and will be in the program that we are handing out and so you will have plenty of opportunity to make sure you're well connected as you begin your convention experience.

Right now, I'm going to hand it off to our CoSIDA second vice president, Herb Vincent. Herb coordinated and oversaw all the convention programming that took place. I know he'll give a shoutout to the convention programming committee, well, well deserved, if any of you have taken a look at the programming. It's amazing. It's top-notch, once again and herb is going to talk about a few things, starting with attire and dress policy for the convention.

HERB VINCENT: Thank you, Barb. Sorry I can't join you by video today but hopefully by phone will be sufficient. I do want to pause for a moment, Barb's responsibilities as second vice president is to oversee programming. The real people who did the work here on the programming committee and I thank them for, great representatives from all the individuals special shout out to Linda Mayer (ph), Arthur (ph) and Barb Kowal, tremendous job in putting this program together. They led a year-long effort to evaluate the surveys from last year on what the profession and membership wanted to see, to put together a program that promises to be a very informative and productive program.

So my thanks to the programming committee and especially those individuals for getting us to where we are, I think it's going to be a great convention.

As far as attire, I'm not going to tell you anything you don't know, if you've been to this convention before, but if you're a newcomer, just be smart. Dress appropriately. Remember that the way you dress among your peers represents not only yourself and your university; it represents our profession because we are there with NAFTA, a lot of professionals in other professions will be there, and you represent all of us the way that you dress.

For all panels, meetings and sessions, appropriate dress is business casual, so no shorts, hats, caps or flip flops, please, for men or women. For men we suggest slacks and polo shirts or dress shirts and ties are optional. For women we suggest capris, skirts or pants, polo shirts or blouses. Please note that shorts are permitted for the ESPN Party at the Pier, so you can wear shorts for that. Otherwise, be smart and dress appropriately.

We'll move on to the leadership forum. This is the third year of the SIDEARM Sports Leadership Forum presented by Learfield. This event is intended to bring you senior level administrators in the field of sports communications, athletic directors and executives in all areas of college sports for panel discussions and network opportunities.

This year topics include sigh low busting, focusing on what matters the most and how to say no, crisis communications, brand management and managing up in an organization. Remember, this is a separate registration event.

Last two years, it's been on the weekend. This year, it's mid week and we'll be interested to see if that impacts attendance and participation. Remember, you can still register online for this event, or you can register on site.

So this is a great opportunity for professionals who want to move up, continue to improve. We all want to do that, but you hear from some really senior-level administrators and a great opportunity for everyone there.

Next is Divisional Day. Divisional Day is on Thursday. The concept of Divisional Day was developed to give each division some panel discussions and interactions that focus specifically on divisions in which you're in. The unique challenges and needs of professionals in each division.

Division Day kicks off with a presentation and breakfast by Greg Kahn, he was popular in last year's convention, particularly the leadership for up, so I encourage you to start your day with the breakfast. You can go to divisions and presentations other than your own if you so choose but this is a great day for each of the divisions. I really salute the programming committee and the individuals in the different divisions who have created some really robust programming specific. So I'll look forward to that.

With that, I'll turn it over to Barb to talk about special sessions.

BARB KOWAL: Thank you, herb. We didn't necessarily just highlight a few of our panels. It was very, very difficult to highlight a lot of our panels but we did want to showcase some of the sessions that are either unique to this year, or we've gone in a different direction with programming and so we've laid these out for you, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday.

Each day we have something that might be a little bit different, so we wanted to call your attention to this. The diversity and inclusion committee is a new committee in CoSIDA and they have worked to put together three panels, which I think will be incredibly informative and so one of them is kicking off some of -- is one of our afternoon panels, on Wednesday, from 3:15 to 4:15, a conversation on unconscious bias, and I would encourage everyone to come to that. I think the speakers are dynamic. You're going to hear a lot of opinions and it's going to be something that we really, really do need to focus on as professionals in collegiate athletics.

I encourage people to mark that off when you do your convention app, mobile app, put that in as a panel and a session that should be very, very enlightening for everyone. That will be followed by something that we haven't done for a while. It's a town hall forum. We are going to have some Speakers from different divisions and some of our friends from the NCAA, media member from ESPN, who are going to talk about some big-time, over-arching strategies and communications issues facing us as a profession today. That should be incredibly informative, and I think you'll come away with a lot of ideas and a lot of insights, as well.

The Thursday kickoff breakfast, we mentioned, or Herb mentioned that, with Greg Kahn, part of the leadership forum last year, this guy is really dynamic. He will really make you think about what we are doing in our profession and how to be better leaders and how to personally brand yourself. He is a tremendous, tremendous asset to CoSIDA right now.

We are really excited Thursday afternoon as we conclude Divisional Day, to bring together previous academic all Americans, three of our four inductees into the academic America Hall of Fame will participate on this panel, like Dr. Harry Edwards and Dr. Jason Hanson will be on the panel with four representatives from the National SAC Group, and it is presented by the Ninth Commission on Intercollegiate Athletics (ph). That should be a great conversation on where we are with student athletes, what are some issues that our communications folks can work with student athletes on. I think it's going to be another great discussion.

Friday and Saturday, I want to call your attention to a few of our break outs. There's a lot to pick from on Friday and Saturday, in trending topics and the breakout sessions. They rotate, so you'll have an opportunity to certainly fit in on more than one panel during that time period, so schedule-wise, there's just a lot of information that's going to be shared, and we've got a robust programming there.


CLARK TEUSCHER: Barb, we do have a question come in. It might be appropriate for you to address. For convention attendees who don't necessarily fall in one of the categories that are addressed in Divisional Day, for example, we do have some convention attendees coming here who will be working at the high school level.

Is there a strategy that you would suggest regarding divisional programming for somebody in that situation?

BARB KOWAL: You know, I think that's a great question. If those people want to contact some of us beforehand, we can maybe give them an idea of what the panels are going to be about. I think that, you know, there are going to be some high school attendees and we've had them in the last couple years. You know, what is an area that you focus on? Is there something in division two that might strike your fancy? Maybe the social media combined panel on Divisional Day between division two and division three will be something that you would like to sit in on.

There's also some dealings that are going to be discussed at the Division I level. If there's anyone out there that has any questions about where do I fit in, what would help me the most, please contact us. We would be happy to spend some time on the phone with you before the convention. Once we hit the ground in D.C., we probably have more time to spend with our members on the front end prior to arriving in D.C., so please contact us.

CLARK TEUSCHER: One more quick question before we move forward. You mentioned the leadership forum. Is there a cost for attending the leadership forum?

BARB KOWAL: Yes, there is, it's separate registration. People who might be listening here or those people who might have colleagues who haven't signed up yet for our convention, you can go and register online right now for the convention, but you will pay an on-site registration fee and same thing with the leadership forum.

There is a separate registration fee for the leadership forum.

If we can, we're going to throw it back to herb to speak on the NAFTA feature sessions.

HERB VINCENT: Thank you, Barb. Some featured sessions we encourage you to this: One is on Wednesday with a presentation by general Paul sill have a, vice president of the Joint Chiefs of Staffs and then on Friday morning, a session on student health safety and well being. One of the great things about CoSIDA being together with NAFTA is the opportunity to engage in the NAFTA experience, not only going to panel sessions and discussions, but also networking with folks from that side of the hall.

So you're reminded that your CoSIDA badge gets you into any open session during the convention. It just does not get you into NAFTA only social events or lunch ones. Please take full advantage of the experience with NAFTA and check out their sessions, as well, because it can be very beneficial.

We go from there to Laurie Bollig, Academic Hall of Fame induction.

LAURIE BOLLIG: Barb talked about the student athletes panel, when that ends, I would encourage everyone to run out and grab a quick bite and then come back to the Potomac A and B ballroom for the Academic All America Hall of Fame induction. If you remember last year, it was ladies night, we had a class that was all female and this year we have a class that is all gentleman.

So one of the highlights of the convention, obviously, Reece Davis is the emcee. He's funny and keeps the program moving along. What put into an hour-and-a-half-time block seems to fly. We have four very impactful inductees into the academic all America Hall of Fame as you'll see. The question and answer segments with Reese, to me, anyway, are always very revealing and really put the rubber stamp on why those of us who work in college athletics do what we do.

This year with the passing of Dick Enberg, as you all know, such an ardent supporter of the Academic All America program, so while it won't be the main focus of the event, we are certainly going to take some time to celebrate the support that he had and the love that he had for the program and his son will be on stage with Reese for giving the Dick Enberg Award to Bill Walton, the presentation of the award to Bill Walton.

Don't miss it. It's a great night, and again, right after that is the ESPN Party at the Pier, so you've got a packed agenda on Thursday night.

Now we go to information about the lunch ones I think.

Actually Thursday before the academic all America Hall of Fame event, we do have our CoSIDA Hall of Fame lunch on and March I can't Taylor is back to emcee this and recognize the six Hall of Famers that you see in front of you. We are also giving the Jake Wade award, which will be Jim Nantz. We are thrilled that he gets to be with us, and for those of who you have been in CoSIDA a little while, you know what the NCAA support has meant to our profession, the Academic All America program, just about anything (inaudible) just a special woman who has meant so incredibly much to not only division three but all of CoSIDA, so it's going to be great to honor her, Jim Nantz, our Hall of Famers, all of these Lifetime Achievement Award winners, so encourage you to come to that, and enjoy celebrating the best in our profession.

Then Saturday, we have yet another lunch on, another chance to eat and celebrate. We'll have special awards that afternoon. So both of these events are in the prince George e room -- E or C, I can never remember, but the prince George Exhibit Hall ballroom, so please come for both Thursday and Saturday.

Our emcee on Saturday, we are doing something different, we are inviting one of our board members, Amy Colah (ph), from the ACC, is going to lead us through the recognition of all of the winners that you see listed there.

Now I throw it over to Will for social events. Will?

CLARK TEUSCHER: Before we do that, we are going to go back to Barb and she is going to introduce the educational lounge.

BARB KOWAL: Sorry, this is a real important new venture for us and I wanted to give people an opportunity to see this and to talk a little about what the concept is and how to sign up for it.

We really are going to try something different this year. Small classroom, intensive training, on a variety of subjects. You see some of the subjects listed here. A lot of them are social media tools. We have got some sessions on writing, doing mock interviews with folks.

We are really, really excited to unveil this programming and it's going to be very much first come, first serve, with sign-ups starting tomorrow at 12:00 Eastern. You will all receive information on it. People will have an opportunity to sign up for a maximum of three of these sessions and again, it's going to be first come, first serve, because we wanted to keep it very, very small.

We are looking for a maximum of 20 people per session. The presenters are going to be able to work closely with people and answer your questions, so it's important to bring your laptops and really engage with our presenters during this intensive training. We have gone through some of the things that people have asked us about during the year in webinars, some of the questions that have come up in our surveys that we've done after conventions and we've invited some of our really, really top-notch presenters to come in and speak on some of these subjects, along with folks who are new to presenting at CoSIDA. We are excited about this, the first time we are going to unveil an opportunity for intensive, small group programming and we'll see what happens when we open up registration tomorrow. Thank you, Clark.

Now we will go to Will. Thank you.

WILL ROLESON: A little about social events, we talked about some of the lunch ones, so here are a few more opportunities to get something to eat and drink and more importantly, to socialize with current friends and maybe make some new friends, as well. Starting Wednesday night, welcome kickoff reception presented by New Line College, later than normal, that will be 7:30 to 9:30 time slot, finish off that evenings activities.

Thursday, Laurie mentioned a bit ago, ESPN Party at the Pier. They are talking us off-site, down the street for an outside event. There will be a tent over the top of us, so even if there's a little bit of weather, we'll be fine there and they will take good care of us as they always do, finishing with some desserts and beverages to cap off the night.

On Friday, we have the annual NAFTA Exhibit Hall reception. Take your badge in there, there's usually more than 200 exhibitors that choose to support NAFTA and we are able to join in with them. Just a reminder, this event is also open on Thursday. However, your CoSIDA badge will not gain you access on Thursday, as that will only be permitted on Friday.

And then coming together with the women leaders in college sports group, this year, after a hiatus, a reception with them after the NAFTA exhibit haul reception on Friday.

On Saturday, taking people off-site to a chance for people to get off-site and head to the National Mall in D.C. First bus will leave at 6 o'clock, four buses rotating intervals, with the last bus leaving the national maul at 10:40 and getting back at 11:00.

The Smithsonian and museums likely will be closed but certainly plenty of daylight and the national monuments and more than a hundred food and beverage establishments within a short walking distance of the National Mall, so you can choose to do that, as well. We're in D.C., and I know a number of our board members who are in the D.C. area were adamant that we try to provide an opportunity for people to experience a little part of D.C., if you are not otherwise spending a day or two before or after the convention on personal or family vacation. Again, a number of social events each evening for you to take part in with your friends and colleagues.

The Exhibit Hall and the product theatre, we are pleased this year to have 23 exhibitors including several new ones. We have been at eight product theatre sessions again this year, one specifically for Academic All America program tips and tricks -- we will draw your attention to a couple of new exhibitors, going international this year.

We have Blinder from New Zealand which helps with connecting media with student athletes on blind phone calls, so there's no sharing of student athlete phone numbers but you can still be assured that you're getting the media coverage that you want.

And then Generous Explorers. I know everybody is interested in what that's going to mean with the new partnership of NCAA and new statistic software debuting with basketball this coming season. They will have their own panel with the NCAA on early Friday morning, right after our 5K but they will be in the exhibit hall, and as with many other exhibitors, it will be a popular location to learn about some new products this year.

The 5K, a highlight of the event each and every year, and it helps raise money for local charity, and in this case, Martha's Table, which does this great community service out reach in the D.C. area. That registration does remain open online through June 22, and then we'll reopen on site, coordinated by the goodwill wellness committee on Wednesday and Thursday. The event itself is on Friday morning at 7:00 A.M., Starting line and finishing line are right in the heart of National Harbor, so you'll be running along the Potomac River for a good portion of it, and we think it will be a great event. We have almost 170 registered and do expect to top out over 200 this year.

I mentioned Martha's Table. Again, also the beneficiary of some of our community service project. Last few years it's been an off-site event but it's really been limited to the 50 people who can fit in the motor coach, but this year we are going to do something right on site. Stop by between 2:15 and 4:15, National Harbor 6 and 7, on the first day of the convention. You can assist in making sandwich or trail mix packages that they will then distribute to the needy in the D.C. area. A great way to get involved, even if you want to stop by for 20 or 30 minutes. From the Volunteer 15 to the fitness challenge and the 5K, this is just another way that on site we can give back to the area where our convention is.

CLARK TEUSCHER: You mentioned the bus transportation to the National Mall. For those who are attending with family who are not registered for the convention, is the bus travel restricted to convention attendees or can non-registered family get on?

WILL ROLESON: We'll give first priority to people with credit challenge baths but I have a feeling there will be room on almost every bus to have some family join along. We'll work to make that happen to get you down to the district.

CLARK TEUSCHER: For folks who are staying in off-site hotels, what's the daily parking situation and parking charges at the Gaylord?

WILL ROLESON: Yes, I don't have the cost in front of me but parking is available at the Gaylord. As with most large hotels, I will admit it is a bit pricey and unfortunately we were not offered any special rates, nor was NAFTA, for the convention. We can provide some material -- there are plenty of parking garages there in National Harbor, a block or two away, more in the business district of the harbor. So we encourage you to check those, as well, but there is plenty of parking, but there will be some costs that you'll need to absorb to make that happen.

CLARK TEUSCHER: And in terms of the hotels, I understand that there's some questions about the best way to get from certain hotels to the -- certain airports to the hotels. An example, the question that came up was getting from Reagan airport to the hotel. Is there shuttle service? Do they recommend taxis, übers, anything like that?

WILL ROLESON: I think übers and taxis are always an option. We have do have some material on our website, through a relationship with NAFTA Supershuttle, have a special rate, but you do need to request that advance service and it is a group service, ahead of time. Go to CoSIDA.com/20108 convention for codes and shuttle service.

CLARK TEUSCHER: We'll move back to Laurie now.

LAURIE BOLLIG: So the next slide is about our mentorship program, and if are you familiar been on CoSIDA.com or followed along on social media, you know that we have been promoting that a lot recently. The deadline to sign up for the 2018-19 mentorship program is tomorrow, so I encourage everybody to go on CoSIDA.com to find the link to register. If you want to be a mentor, there is a separate registration as a mentor and then vice versa for men tees.

So be sure and get the right registration tool and sign up by tomorrow. We are doing things a little bit differently, so the matching is going to take place, hopefully, next week, and the convention, if we're successful in matching the way we anticipate, the convention will be an opportunity -- there is a quick half-hour meeting. You'll see that on the slide from Wednesday, 12:30 to 1:00, an opportunity to see some of the new guidelines for this year.

Be on the lookout for information, if you have signed up, be sure to sign up by tomorrow, if you haven't, and happy to answer any questions about that.

I do want to talk about just a couple other things that I did not put in the slide program. For first time convention goers, we will have a table and have board members that will be there and can talk to people who are on their first convention, to give you a heads-up on what you might want to do, plan for. That has gone over very well in the past couple of years, so please, if you have never been to a convention, stop by and introduce yourself to one of our board members.

Also, find staff. Introduce yourself to us. We are around, obviously, the convention haul the whole time and would love to meet our members. So don't hesitate to come by and introduce yourself. Last year we had a very successful session called speed networking and that's back this year, so look on your schedule for that. We got a lot of great feedback about how fun that was, and the session goes really quick. So I would invite you to search the schedule for that.

Will talked about Friday at two o'clock, we have a product theatre in the exhibit hall where we are going to talk about the Google cloud Academic All America program. Most of you know if you've nominated or voted, it was a whole new system this year and we want to help our members with tips and tricks how to make our voting go quicker and how to use the tools that we have this year to sort and to best select your teams. So be sure and stop by, two o'clock in the exhibit hall for that, and then finally, I would just encourage anybody post-convention to follow up on CoSIDA Connect, post your thoughts about sessions, your overall impressions of the convention, what was good. We will obviously survey members afterwards, but CoSIDA Connect is always a great opportunity to start a discussion about things that you saw or heard and learned at the convention.

CLARK TEUSCHER: We've got a quick question regarding committees. Much of Wednesday's schedule is dedicated to committee meetings, for those who have not served on committees, what are their opportunities to get involved there? Is that the place to go and inquire about serving or is there a place to sign up online or at the convention?

LAURIE BOLLIG: The committee meetings are not the place that you would go to find out more information. I work with the committee chairs, and find what their needs are every year. So once I've got all of that organized, and it will probably be right after the convention, we will put some volunteer opportunities on CoSIDA connect so that our members can sign up for committee service.

CLARK TEUSCHER: We have a couple other questions, like to bring Barb back in before we move forward here.

Barb, with regard to the educational lounge, the question has been asked about whether any event was going to be recorded, with a great many topics and only three to choose from. Is there any option to view that after the fact?

BARB KOWAL: That's a really great question. We will have some sessions taped during the convention and those were more of our larger sessions. Haven't really explored that right now, so I will have to take a look. That is a really good question. I will take a look and see exactly once I speak to the presenters. We actually have a call with all the presenters following this webinar, and see what makes sense.

Some of it will be very, very hands-on, very, very specific to someone's individual needs on their campus or in their conference and that might not translate well across the board for an educational session. So, good question, and have not thought to put that in yet. Don't know whether or not we can do it but certainly a good question to ask our presenters. Thank you.

CLARK TEUSCHER: One more question regarding the app. Is the CoSIDA schedule available within NAFTA's app or only within the CoSIDA app?

BARB KOWAL: Our schedule, we have a link on the NAFTA app, to our CoSIDA materials, but no, our schedule is not embedded into their app this year. But people will definitely have accessibility to our information to a link that you'll be able to see prominently on the NAFTA app, but our schedule is not included in that this year. We have gone to our own mobile app and felt that was something our members wanted, and we have the opportunity to really expand it and do a really robust app on our own. Thank you.

CLARK TEUSCHER: Thank you very, very much, very, very helpful and we can move forward with the next Speaker in the presentation.

DOUG VANCE: Thanks to everybody, I have a couple points I want to reinforce from the presentation today. First of all, don't hesitate to reach out to any of us on the staff. If you have questions perfect this presentation, or any questions related to the convention in general.

You can still register to attend at CoSIDA.com and also, as we've talked about, be sure and register tomorrow starting at noon for the educational lounge, and the mobile app, just to reinforce that, will be available to you next week. You will get an alert that tells you how to download the app.

Finally, let me just reinforce, this is a very meaningful investment into your career, and speaking on behalf of the CoSIDA staff and the CoSIDA board, we are looking forward to seeing you next week or in the next couple weeks for the convention in National Harbor.

Thank you. Back to Clark to wrap it up.

CLARK TEUSCHER: Thank you very much. We want to thank all of our presenters for giving of their time to help us out today. We continue to appreciate Capital One's ongoing sponsorship of the continuing education series.

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