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May 28, 2018
Houston, Texas: Game Seven
Q. Mike, can you give us the update on Chris Paul?
MIKE D'ANTONI: Yeah, he's out.
Q. Can you take us through the process? Did he test it today? Was it a close call?
MIKE D'ANTONI: Yeah, well, I don't know about a close call, but it wasn't -- everybody came to the same conclusion, there is just no way.
Q. Have you been able to talk to him at all and just gauge his reaction? He's waited his whole career for this moment?
MIKE D'ANTONI: Yeah, I'm sure he's way down and devastated. But like you saw, he's probably excited for the game, get the win, we'll get him back and go on. But it's the worst thing that could happen to him, but he'll make it.
Q. Did it even get to the point where he got on the court and you guys tested at all?
MIKE D'ANTONI: Kind of, you know. He just couldn't explode at all, he couldn't push off on it. Just no good. I knew it was a long shot from when it happened. But, just got to take care of a little bit.
Q. Did you get any indication on how long he would be out for this kind of injury?
MIKE D'ANTONI: Right now we're only worried about today. We'll figure it out tomorrow. I guess you know we do have a game, right?. He's fine. He's over here. He's done. So we've got big things that we're going to take care of.
Q. Mike --
MIKE D'ANTONI: Yeah, he's out (laughing). I'm sorry. I anticipated a little bit. I'm sorry.
Q. I know it's not ideal with Chris out, and I don't want to suggest, but is the word privileged just to lead this group into this game the way you connected with them and believed in them and the bond that you guys have built this incredible season, is there any of that as you take a full look?
MIKE D'ANTONI: A lot of it. This is what it's all about. The year has been unbelievable. The locker room has been great. I'm just really super lucky to be able to coach these guys. Whatever happens, happens. Everyone will give everything they've got, and so will Golden State. That's why you have two great teams. You don't win 65 games and be champs for nothing. You don't buy heart at the supermarket. They've got it and we've got it. And we'll see what happens.
But, yeah, it's a privilege. It's definitely a privilege. To be in this position, and to be able to coach these guys, really lucky.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
