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May 12, 2018

Jason Day

Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida

Q. Didn't quite take all of your chances, but who knows, tomorrow is still there for you.
JASON DAY: Yeah, I mean obviously it all depends on how Webb finishes. He's playing some really good golf right now. Obviously very in control of what he's doing from tee to green and he's putting really well. So it's a pretty good combination around this golf course. His whole setup is actually quite nice. He's long enough but he's not quite long enough to be super, super aggressive and it's clearly paying off with him. And Paul, who is a local guy here that's been around here for awhile. But yeah, I mean, I just didn't capitalize on the opportunities I had. I had a lip out on 9, a lip out on 10, both for birdies. And then didn't birdie 12 and didn't birdie 16. Made a poor bogey -- actually I didn't make a poor bogey on 15, I hit a good shot down there, landed eight short of the pin, took a really hard bounce, kicked over into the back and then just had an awkward stance. So with all that said and done, what has golf ever done for me, really.


I'm joking, I'm joking, I'm joking. No, sometimes you get some good breaks and bad breaks and unfortunately I just didn't have the momentum kind of swing my way today. Obviously I wanted to try and get myself in the teens somewhere, get a good round and I'm happy with shooting 1-under, getting up-and-down on the last hole, but I just need a big round tomorrow.

Q. What is your largest lead going into a final round?

Q. That was here, actually.
JASON DAY: Was it? Okay. Okay. So I don't know.

Q. What's the psychology --
JASON DAY: What's Webb right now? He's 18, next is 12. Something like that where you're sitting there, you're going to sleep on it tonight, I mean you're not done. There's still a lot of golf to be played tomorrow. We're going to have a different wind -- well a kind of similar wind. We're going to have an easterly -- forecast is for an easterly wind, so pretty similar to what we have had. If the guy at 12, who is at 12?

Q. Danny Lee.
JASON DAY: Danny Lee. He can be lethal at times as well, so you never know. A guy like that picks a few up and he bogeys a couple and it's right there. Obviously you are nervous about it, but the good thing about Webb is he's played well, he doesn't have to do too much out there, he has to keep it in front of him. Just keep it in front, don't take unnecessary risk and just kind of shoot 72 or somewhere in between 70, 72. You don't really need to go into the 60s.

Q. Can you get into a defensive protection and can that be dangerous?
JASON DAY: It can be dangerous. A hundred percent. When you're sitting there and you're trying to be defensive you're hitting yourself to 30, 40 feet and your putting has to take the brunt of that. And if you're not quite -- I mean obviously last rounds are totally different compared to the first three days. I remember last week I couldn't feel my hands in the final round, that's why I had no idea where it was going. He may handle it a little bit differently to me and we all handle it differently each and every time we're there. So he may wake up tomorrow and feel great or he may wake up tomorrow and feel really nervous and has no idea where the hands are through the swing. But with that said, we have a rest, we got a lot of golf ahead of us tomorrow. It's exciting to see the guys go low this morning and obviously I think that was probably part and parcel because of the wind was a little bit down, but there's still opportunities out there, if you can take them.

Q. Is there something to play for you, considering the end result is No. 1 and every result helps?
JASON DAY: Definitely. If Webb runs away with it, there's second place. It kind of sucks to be second at times, but I remember finishing second at the U.S. Open and I lost by eight strokes to Rory. So, I mean, that was a really good finish, you know? You're just chipping away at it, the end goal is to get to No. 1, whatever that takes, however long that takes, and I'm just trying to just get through the progress of it and hopefully just kind of build some confidence going into Memorial, which is the next tournament I'm going to play. So it's all stepping stones to the larger picture.

Q. When you look up at the board and see someone do something like Webb's doing today, what goes through your mind?
JASON DAY: What goes through my mind? I said I would like to play the golf course he's playing. He's clearly making -- I mean, when I was out there I was on 13 and he eagled 11. I mean, that's not an easy par-5 and, I mean, it's really hard to get to the -- I mean, you got to land it perfectly -- I don't know if he chipped in.

Q. He chipped in from the bunker?
JASON DAY: There you go.

Q. Tracked the whole way.
JASON DAY: Yeah, so I mean it's just, things are going his way. Fortunately for him they're going his way. Now he's had a pretty, I don't know how long it's been since he's last won, but it's been a bit of a spell and I think he's been working very hard and he looks pretty determined to win this week, obviously, like he is every other week. But I heard an interview with Webb and he was saying that his game was there and it was just about putting himself there. He's not thinking about winning, he's just trying to play every day and try and get himself into contention and hopefully it will fall his way. So he's clearly playing some tremendous golf and we're the best players in the world and he's making us not look so good.

Q. How is your relationship with your self?
JASON DAY: With myself? Every now and then I like to talk to myself upstairs, sometimes it's good, sometimes it's bad. I feel like I have a happy healthy relationship with myself at some times, but sometimes you can, like I said last week, you can battle some demons out there. So it's always good, I'm having fun, it's balanced this year and I feel good about myself.

Q. You know what it takes to shoot 63 around here, do you feel you can pull that off tomorrow?
JASON DAY: Yeah, the stars have to align. I mean, I watched Tiger this morning on PGA TOUR Live, he got off to a cracking start through the front side, he was 6-under through 9. Plenty of good holes to capitalize, 10, 11, 12. He looked like he played pretty decent through that stretch and then unfortunately bogeyed 14. I'm going to see where the pin locations are tonight I'll look at the PGA TOUR Link, get the locations, see what I can actually go at and what I can't go at, because there's some locations that you just can't physically get to because of how hard the greens are getting. So that's when you got to rely on hitting it out and be patient and hopefully knock one of those two or two or three 30 footers in where you really don't have a chance of getting in, really. But, yeah, I think that I just got to look at the locations and see how they go.

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