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May 10, 2018

Rickie Fowler

Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida

RICKIE FOWLER: I made some good up-and-downs, kept the round going, but just never really got anything going. Kind of seemed like that was the case for everyone in the group. I felt like I did a good job of kind of hanging around. I felt like I hit a lot of good putts. The greens were kind of getting a bit chattering out there, just with being late in the day and being a lot of footprints and people being on there, so I felt like I had some that just weren't rolling how I thought they would. I hit my number that we were trying to hit on 17. It got knocked down a little bit, basically landed right at the base of the boards in the water and went back and tried to hit it like basically three more yards, and that one flew just short of the hole.

So I hit my number; that's the good thing. The unfortunate thing is it was playing a little further than we anticipated, so nice to get a great up-and-down at 18 and at least kind of keep us in a decent spot.

So been driving it well, I feel like ball striking's been great, feel like the putter is right where I want it to be, just need to get a couple to actually go in, but actually when you get those looks to be a little closer.

So I'm excited for the morning, we're going to have good greens and I know that the three of us, Phil, Tiger and myself, we'll be able to go out and start building some momentum together.

Q. Can it be contagious at all when somebody struggles and somebody else struggles and somebody else struggles in your group?
RICKIE FOWLER: It can be. I know I happened to run into Rory and kind of sounded like the three of them kind of struggled a little bit this morning just to get things going. It can be contagious both ways, and there's other times where it really doesn't matter what other guys are doing, you're playing well, kind of walk that off. But no, it's a lot more fun when you can get to three guys firing and kind of going, trying to top each other and kind of pushing each other. So there were times where we kind of got that going. Tiger hit it in there close, made eagle on 9, I made birdie, thought that was going to lead into something on the back, and it didn't work out that way.

Q. You going to invest in one of those Phil shirts?
RICKIE FOWLER: Maybe. It's actually good material. I'm not sure I'm going to wear it on the golf course, but that might be my actual like dress night attire.

Q. You obviously are trying to take care of your own business. A little harder to do in that situation, I know you've been through this many times, but with so much going on?
RICKIE FOWLER: No, I was looking forward to it and definitely enjoy it. I feel like it helps bring out the best in me, but just didn't get it going today.

Q. You ever play in front of a crowd that big?
RICKIE FOWLER: I mean it's definitely up there. You look at majors, in contention, on Sunday, they're going to be around, but I would say as far as a mass group actually following your group the whole way around, that's up there as one of the biggest. I know probably Memorial when Tiger and I played together final round there -- really any time you play with Tiger that's going to be up there with one of the biggest groups you play.

Q. What's the hardest thing about being paired with Tiger and Phil? What was the hardest part of that, because you're the only one right now that had to go through that.
RICKIE FOWLER: For me I don't feel like it's a disadvantage at all. I feel like maybe other players that haven't necessarily been in that position it could be. But for me I feel like it's something where I enjoy playing with those guys. I've played a lot with Phil, practice rounds and tournament golf. Tiger, we play at home. But early on in my career, yeah, it would have been. It's a little shock to the system because there's a lot going on. Maybe people haven't been in a bunch of final parings because that's what it has the feeling of being in contention and you're out there and obviously playing with two of the best players who have played the game at this level and, no, I'm definitely fortunate and lucky to be past the shell shock phase and out there enjoying, getting to play with those guys and trying to go battle it out head-to-head and ultimately, like I was talking about earlier, just kind of getting each other going and feeding off each other, so hopefully we can get that going tomorrow in the morning.

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