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April 21, 2018

Christian Bezuidenhout

Rabat, Morocco

Q. 4-under today, just give us an overall assessment of how things went.
CHRISTIAN BEZUIDENHOUT: Overall it went pretty good but got off to a slow start this morning with two bogeys on my first three holes. Then made a nice putt on No. 4 to get things going, and from there, I pretty much just played solid golf.

Q. The conditions out there, a little bit different to the previous two days. How much did that help going around?
CHRISTIAN BEZUIDENHOUT: Definitely a lot on a course like this, pretty much everything in your game has to be spot on. They have got a few tricky flags out there today, so I'm just trying to hit the fairways and when there's a flag you can go for, you go for it.

Q. You've given yourself a great opportunity here to win on The European Tour. How much are you looking forward to it?
CHRISTIAN BEZUIDENHOUT: Looking forward to it. I had a couple of chances the previous years. Obviously this is my first year fully on The European Tour, so looking forward to it. Just going to play fairway, green golf and see what happens end of the day tomorrow.

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