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February 17, 2018
Los Angeles, California
Q. You were the last coach that saw the Cousins-Davis pair together?
COACH MIKE D'ANTONI: Yeah, I saw too much of it, yes.
Q. Yeah, kind of the peak of it. Can you talk about how powerful that was and how disappointing it is?
COACH MIKE D'ANTONI: Yeah, well, first of all, it's too bad for Cousins. You don't wish that on anybody. But they were playing well and kind of hitting their stride. Everybody was playing well.
It was just too bad. But too many times in this league it happens.
Q. The rookie class this year seems like it's been one of the better classes in a long, long time. Can you agree with that and any reason why?
COACH MIKE D'ANTONI: No, it happens. Probably some guys that are a lot better than what a lot of people thought. But it's a heck of a rookie class, for sure. The league's in good shape with young talent, and that's really good.
Q. Steve Kerr gives you a lot of credit for his offense. He said he stole a lot of stuff from you. What did he steal from you, borrow from you, and what do you see in his offense that's your influence?
COACH MIKE D'ANTONI: Who knows. He does it a little bit differently. But we all like to get out there, shoot a lot of threes, spread the floor and try to move the ball as much as you can, that you need to be.
So basically everybody more or less the same. Cut it a little bit different, but you have the same outline and same form. Just get it done in different ways.
Q. Where did you get your idea from?
COACH MIKE D'ANTONI: From everybody. Just from old coaches, from playing in the ABA. You've been in Europe, what works, what doesn't work, what feels good, what doesn't. Just kind of you steal from everybody.
Q. Do you see more of your offense around the league, and does it ever get to you that they're stealing my stuff?
COACH MIKE D'ANTONI: No, that doesn't. Everybody steals everybody's stuff. That's kind of normal. I've watched a lot of coaches. I've stolen so much from Rick Adelman it's crazy. And all through the years you steal stuff, see what looks good and look at your personnel and you fit it.
I just like the NBA with the rules changes back when. Now the spacing and the bigs are really talented. So just see a lot of good movement on the ball and good flow. It's an exciting game right now.
Q. Does it bother you that four Warriors are in this game and you've got the best record?
COACH MIKE D'ANTONI: No, they should have four, they're world champs. We should have two at least. Doesn't bother me.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
