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January 14, 2018
Honolulu, Hawaii
Q. A really strong finish for Tom. Tom, you had the lead as you made the turn, but as you describe the back nine, especially this closing hole, what would you say?
TOM HOGE: I played well. I would have liked a few more putts to go early on in the day. Ultimately, it's a swing on 8 and swing on 16, same ones. I was kind of in between yardages on both of them. I was trying to play kind of a low draw to get to the back pins there and just kind of flipped to the bottom left. I was in a tough spot on 16 in the bunker there.
I hit two good shots on 17 and 18 to give myself a chance. Hit good putts, just didn't quite find the bottom. That's how it goes.
Q. I know you may be disappointed in the fact that you're not ultimately holding a trophy given the position you were in, but what will you take away from this day to help yourself grow as a PGA player?
TOM HOGE: It's kind of just building on things. I played pretty well, and I felt like today I had pretty good beliefs in myself that I could get it done. Felt good the whole way. For sure, it helps. The next time you get back, it will make it a little easier.
Q. Tom, I thought it was an impressive display, tee to green today, outside of two shots. If you could have two irons back at 8 and 16, completely different, but I thought you handled yourself brilliantly out there, off the tee especially.
TOM HOGE: Yeah, I felt really good. I felt a lot of confidence the way I was hitting the ball. Like you said, a swing on 8 and 16, both kind of right in between yardages there and would like to have the swings back.
16 was in a pretty tough spot on a downslope with a bunker there, and to make a double hurt. But I gave myself two good looks, 17 and 18, to have a chance there, and just didn't quite get the putts to go in.
Q. I know it's hard to say what do you take away from this? I thought in all the gut check moments, you handled everything brilliantly today. What was your mindset going through the day, and how did you channel it through 18 holes?
TOM HOGE: I tried to be a little bit patient. For me, when I get a little bit aggressive, that's when I seem to fall back on the weekends here. I tried to be patient, but at the same time, I felt really good about the way I was striking it. I wasn't making many putts there. To get the one to go in on 12 was a big one for me. To hang in there with Pat and make a run on 10 and 11.
I felt good the whole way. Even on 17 and 18, just tricky reads around the hole and just didn't quite read them right.
Q. Your best finish on the PGA TOUR. How do you use this as a springboard forward?
TOM HOGE: With the start in the fall I was off to and now this, this sets me up a lot better for the rest of the year and hopefully make the FedEx Cup Playoffs. That's step number one for me.
More so just the confidence I had to play in the final group and play well today, take that forward and hopefully keeping myself up there.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
