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December 9, 2017

Celine Herbin

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Q. Just about today, is that the round of your life?
CELINE HERBIN: It's a bit too much to say, but I still had a bogey. But it's my best on Tour. Like my record was minus seven a few times, so now I beat it by one, so minus eight and I'm happy with that. So it's my best professional score.

Q. Why did you play so well today?
CELINE HERBIN: I was playing well all week. It's a special week because you come from America. I struggled a lot with the jet-lag the first days. Today, just clicked very well with the putting. I begin very well the round and focus is good. I just stayed in the present. That was the key, and to be patient.

Q. And 17 was a great eagle. You drove the green?
CELINE HERBIN: Correct. Eight feet or nine feet for eagle.

Q. What was going through your mind going to the last?
CELINE HERBIN: Stay in the present, it was the key, really. It's what I told myself. I was not very watching at all the leaderboard. Just trying to do my best on every shot.

Q. Who with you as your caddie this week?
CELINE HERBIN: It's my putting coach, so it's Stephane Barras. He's from caddieplayer.com. I've been working with him since July and it's been a big, big improvement.

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