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November 2, 2017

Rafael Nadal

Paris, France

R. NADAL/P. Cuevas

6-3, 6-7, 6-3

THE MODERATOR: Questions in English.

Q. That was another quite a long match for a Masters event. Is it frustrating that you're not putting away the opponents quicker?
RAFAEL NADAL: No. Frustrating is lose, not winning tough, no? You don't expect to win easy in big tournaments like these ones. No, no. That's the real thing.

Q. How are you feeling fitness-wise, because it's been a hard year?
RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, it's been a long year. It's been a very successful one. Very happy for everything. And is always that is normal that at the end of the season after all the things that happened and all the season, all the matches I played with high intensity, it's normal that there is the body issues a little bit.

So is nothing strange. Something that completely normal and accepted and just try to fight.

Q. Is everything okay with your right knee?
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, of course, 100% okay. If not, I will not ask the trainer to put me bandage. No, no, you can know that.

But that's it. I'm on to competition. It's not the moment to talk much about the knee. It's more the moment about talking about the quarterfinals. I won an important match for me.

Tomorrow another chance against a player that he's playing very well. So let's see.

Just excited to keep going and see if I'm able to keep playing well.

Q. You'll be playing Filip Krajinovic tomorrow for the first time in your life. Do you have any previous knowledge of his game and what do you expect?
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, of course, I know him but, of course, I don't know him like an opponent because I never played against him, no? So will be a tough one.

He's playing well. He had a very successful season I think, winning a lot of challenges, and now he's playing well in ATP tour winning a lot of the matches. When you're winning a lot of matches you're in a good run, good dynamic. Things happens more automatic and more quick, no?

So going to be a tough one. I need to play well and let's see if I can make that happen.

Q. Do you see that maybe you could take a risk playing despite the pain in your knee? What would be the limit for you to push through?
RAFAEL NADAL: I'm here in important event, in the most important city of my life. I don't want to -- for me, it's not like a risk for another one or not. It's about playing an important event for me. No, no.

And I'm being honest with you. Playing here, not playing here will not have a big impact on what can happen.

If you ask about London, if, for example, let's say I retire tomorrow and I don't play, that's not mean I'm going to be 100% perfect for London. So that's the real thing, no?

I'm here. I'm excited about playing this tournament. And I hope to be ready to keep playing well in London.

And it's not an issue for me.

Q. So you probably just answered this but just to be clear. You're confident of playing in London with the knee?
RAFAEL NADAL: You didn't -- probably my English.

Q. I'm just checking.
RAFAEL NADAL: My English is not enough good maybe.

Q. Maybe it's just me.
RAFAEL NADAL: No, no, no. Of course, of course, I going to be playing in London normally, if nothing happens. It depends remaining one week and a half. Anything can happen in one week and a half. But if nothing strange happens then I'm going to be there, of course.

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