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October 20, 2017
Houston, Texas - postgame 6
Houston - 7, New York - 1
Q. For both of you, the excitement of winning tonight and going to a Game 7 now.
JOSE ALTUVE: I'm not going to lie to you, it's a lot of emotions in that clubhouse. After this game, it was a crazy game. But personally I really like the way we play in these kind of games with everybody up.
I believe in my team. Tomorrow is going to be a good night.
Q. The two of you, Verlander tonight and the two games combined in this series, your thoughts on his excellence in those games.
CHARLIE MORTON: Yeah, for me to watch that, for everybody to watch that, those two performances, and after the first one he threw, the complete game, you don't see every day that a guy goes out in a tight game like that, just get better as the game goes on. That's rare. And he's special. He's one of the greatest pitchers of our generation.
Q. Charlie, have you known that you were going to be in Game 7 or depend on how today turned out?
CHARLIE MORTON: It was a little bit of both. It was hinted at. I was able to throw a bullpen. I got a lift in and things like that. I had an idea, yes.
Q. A.J. said you've been unlucky, that Frazier home run. Just wondering how you're feeling.
CHARLIE MORTON: Any game that you throw, I generally just try to forget about a game as quick as I can, whether it's good or bad. I learn from it. Take what I can from it and move on.
I still went over the video, I'm going to go over some data tomorrow, and just treat it like another start.
Q. Will both of you talk about playing a Game 7. They don't happen that often, they're pretty special. What it means to both of you and the stakes, for both of you.
CHARLIE MORTON: For me this whole season has been special. And to get to this point, with this group of guys, I'll remember this for the rest of my life, some of the most special moments in baseball.
So the stakes are high, obviously, in Game 7, like you mentioned. But I'm really just trying to appreciate the moments, because this has been unbelievable here to be a part of with these guys.
JOSE ALTUVE: I feel the same way as Charlie. All year long it's been special. I know tomorrow we have a little extra because it's the 7th game. It's a beautiful series, because every single game was right there. And I'm really happy the way we've been playing. We are right where we want to be at home for Game 7.
We've got to go out there and make it happen. I don't know what's going to happen tomorrow, but one thing I can tell you is all my team, including Charlie and me that are sitting here, we're going to do everything we can to help our team win the game.
Q. You were very animated when you got to first base after that single in the fifth inning. What were the emotions like at that moment, was it relief?
JOSE ALTUVE: I'm not a guy that shows a lot of emotion while I'm playing. But I didn't realize what I was doing. I was just happy and just kind of, like, moments that are just -- you let yourself go. And I hope I didn't offend anybody. I was just happy because I was helping my team. And I think it's very understandable because of the situation, and the importance of the game that we are playing.
Q. Did it feel like only frustration from the previous games when you had nothing hitting much, was it just coming out?
JOSE ALTUVE: As soon as we start playing, we forgot about the last three games in New York. And when I did that, what I did, it was just trying to get the team going. And obviously it was a really good night for us. It's a lot of expectations for tomorrow's game.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
