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October 8, 2017

Rafael Nadal

Beijing, China

R. NADAL/N. Kyrgios

6-2, 6-1

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. Those first couple games were really intense. How important was it for you to get ahead early?
RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, of course, very long games at the beginning. Yeah, good level of tennis. I think 30 minutes and we were only 2-1. Very intense everything. Very similar level at the beginning.

Well, I think I holded well during the whole match. I played, in my opinion, a great level of tennis tonight. Of course, I think one of the best matches of the year.

Yeah, always very tough opponent to play against. But today I think my serve worked well, and I was returning a lot of balls, putting a lot of balls inside, then taking the advantage from the baseline a little bit more often than him. I was a little bit more aggressive, and that was the key.

I was playing very high intensity the whole match, changing the directions and not making many mistakes.

Q. I notice you haven't won the Shanghai Masters yet. Do you have any expectation for the coming matches? How will you adjust in this kind of tight schedule?
RAFAEL NADAL: Today is the day to talk about Beijing. Is an important title for me. Is a title that last year that I had the trophy with me was in 2005. In 2005 I never will believe that I will keep playing tennis in 2017 unless winning another title here, no? Very happy.

Shanghai is a couple days for me. Hopefully I going to start Wednesday. I hope to be ready for it. I know every tournament is important now.

Shanghai is a tournament that I didn't win. I have been there couple of times, semifinals and final. Let's see. This year I am playing well. I played very well during the whole event here, so let's see if I am able to hold that high level there in Shanghai. If that happens, I hope to have my chances.

Q. Was it hard to stay focused when your opponent was really agitated throughout the match?
RAFAEL NADAL: No. I do my way, that's the real thing. I am 31 already. I spend a lot of hours on competition during my career. No, no, was not difficult.

But, of course, some moments was little bit strange for me, something little bit unusual. But, no, I was very focus.

I have lot of respect for Nick. He's one of the players with more talent on the tour. Of course, when he's playing well, when he really wants to play, without a doubt is one of the toughest opponent to play against.

He's having a good run here during the whole week, so for me was a big test. Very happy the way that I managed.

Q. Last year's China Open champion Andy Murray took the high-speed railway to Shanghai.
RAFAEL NADAL: The train?

Q. Yes. Will you take it this year?
RAFAEL NADAL: I don't know yet. I take the train every year since long time ago. Nothing new for me. Every year I go with train to Shanghai. The only problem this time is I have an event with my watch, Richard Mille, tomorrow afternoon in Shanghai, and I want to practice. The good train for us was 9:00. That one arrives at 1:30, but is full, booked. We checked today in the morning. The other train takes almost six hours to go there.

Will be very busy for us, so we're thinking about taking the plane.

Q. You won the first China Open championship in 2005, 12 years ago. You won this title this year. How is it a different feeling from the 12 years compared to 2005?
RAFAEL NADAL: Oh, is completely different. I even don't remember that one (smiling).

The feeling is probably better this year. First thing, the tournament is bigger than 2005. It's a 500 event. Before it was 250. 175 at that moment. Every title later in your career is more special than when you were younger, no?

I had very tough draw here. When I saw the draw at the beginning of the tournament, I know that will be very, very difficult to have a good chances here. But I was lucky the first day saving that two match points. After that I think I played one of the best events of the year, playing very solid the whole event, playing against very tough opponents.

Q. What do you think Nick is going to achieve in the future?
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, I cannot predict that. The feeling is if he really wants to play and wants to work, is one of the players that have more talent to achieve a lot of things in this sport, no? He has everything. He has an unbelievable good eyes. When you play against him, looks that he has time for everything. That's very difficult. Then, of course, he has great hands and a fantastic serve. He has everything to fight for almost all the events of the year.

So let's see what can happen in the future. But of course will be a candidate for everything.

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