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October 8, 2017
Houston, Texas - postgame 2
Boston - 10, Houston - 3.
THE MODERATOR: Take questions for Charlie Morton.
Q. Can You just talk about the excitement you feel getting the ball tomorrow and everything that's riding on it.
CHARLIE MORTON: Yeah, well, it's the playoffs. This is the biggest game I'll throw in all year, so I'm really excited about it. I'm excited to be here in Boston and pitch at Fenway against the Red Sox and, yeah, I'm excited about tomorrow.
Q. Being able to watch the last few games, is there things you can pick up from a game like today? Seeing the Red Sox go off as they did, are there things that you can maybe try to exploit tomorrow?
CHARLIE MORTON: I don't think anything that I was seeing from the dugout necessarily. Maybe something I see on video, because I threw against them last week. So it's a pretty much what I see, the data and what I see on video. We all know any team in the big leagues is dangerous and this is a really, really good team.
Q. You didn't know if you were going to pitch tomorrow if you guys won and now there's rain and you don't know what time the game's going to start. Does that affect your preparation at all as you look forward?
CHARLIE MORTON: No, ideally I guess you would like to know exactly when a game's going to start, but that's just not the reality of the game. You get rained out, your game gets postponed, you just never know. So, no, it doesn't.
Q. Charlie, the game that you pitched against the Red Sox last week, relatively speaking, wasn't as important. Did you save anything thinking ahead to the postseason that you maybe didn't want to show them?
CHARLIE MORTON: No, not really. It just so happens I didn't really throw a cutter. I think I threw one cutter. But I wasn't consciously avoiding pitching a certain way. A.J. came out and got me in the 6th and explained part of the reason was that it was likely I was going to be throwing at some point against the Red Sox in the next week. But to answer your question, no, I didn't purposely alter my game plan. Because it was an important game for us, too. We were still in contention to possible catch up to Cleveland and so, yeah.
THE MODERATOR: All right, thanks for coming in.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
