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August 11, 2017
Charlotte, North Carolina
Q. Not exactly what you wanted but you made the cut. How are you feeling overall?
BROOKS KOEPKA: Pretty disappointed. Feel like today, you know, the golf course could have been had but I didn't take advantage of it. I didn't hit the ball very well and I haven't putted it very well the entire week. It's not a very good start.
Q. What's the difference between being in this position now versus a year ago now, having that experience of coming back in a major and having a title under your belt? Does it make any difference?
BROOKS KOEPKA: No, it doesn't matter. It's the same thing. I'm still a ways back. I don't know what the lead is, actually. So seven back, got a lot to do. Got a lot of ground to make up. Just keep grinding it out tomorrow and post a good score.
Q. What do you think you need to do better?
BROOKS KOEPKA: Everything. You know, what I'm doing isn't very good obviously. Short game's been horrific this week. You know, I need to hit a few more greens. That would be helpful. But got to clean up around the greens.
Q. Looking back at this last year between The Ryder Cup, the U.S. Open, being in contention so many times, could you have imagined yourself at this point 12 months ago? Did you see this happening?
BROOKS KOEPKA: Yeah, I saw it happen earlier actually. You know, I figured by now I'd probably have a couple. But you know, it's golf. That's how it goes. I feel like I could have won the PGA last year if I had been healthy. It is what it is. Just need to grind it out and finish good this weekend.
Q. Does that change kind of your focus going forward, your career goals? Do you have, like, I want X amount of majors, X amount of Ryder Cups?
BROOKS KOEPKA: Yeah, I've got all those goals written down.
Q. What are they?
BROOKS KOEPKA: I'm not going to tell you guys. You know, I've got them written down. I've got stuff in my head that I need to accomplish. You've only got a certain amount of years to do it.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
