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July 28, 2017
Oakville, Ontario, Canada
Q. Good, solid day today. Putter still working well?
MATT EVERY: I am putting good. I played really good today. A little scrappy in the middle but I got some -- the valley holes are a little wetter down there than anywhere else. Slowed my momentum down. That's probably happened to a lot of people.
Played a little tougher today. I'm happy with where I'm at, though.
Q. Your scrambling numbers are pretty solid, especially coming down the stretch. Does that give you confidence that you don't need to hit it perfect because you're getting it up-and-down okay?
MATT EVERY: No. I'd rather not do that all the time. When guys play well, that's what they do. Maybe it's just one of those weeks.
Q. Continuing on the theme from yesterday, played pretty good out there.
MATT EVERY: Yeah, today was good. I got off to a really good start. Both of my bogeys, they looked like they could be birdies. Just kind of misjudged the wind on one and then got a mud ball on the par 5. But those kind of things happen. But yeah, I'm playing good.
Q. How good does it feel for you to finally start to start playing well and see the ball go in the hole?
MATT EVERY: Well, seeing it go in the hole more than anything is what it is. I've been playing good for awhile. Just it's a different kind of bad. I haven't been getting much out of my rounds. But yeah, it does feel good to be up near the top.
Q. Any difference in the golf course at all from yesterday? Was it any firmer?
MATT EVERY: No. It was pretty soft. The wind's blowing more. It plays in and off the left on the last two par 5s and makes them more difficult. They are pretty easy normally. Other than that, it's there.
Q. What's your strategy heading into tomorrow? How will you prepare for the third round?
MATT EVERY: I mean, I'll show up like an hour and a half before. Get stretched out and then go through my warmup routine. I don't have any superstitions or anything. I'm pretty basic.
Q. Will you start putting a number into your head that maybe you want to shoot?
MATT EVERY: No. No. I don't -- I'm not a planner. I feel like that just goes against who I am. So I won't -- I don't really ever do that.
Q. Having any fun off the golf course this week at all?
MATT EVERY: Yeah, I have fun.
Q. Nothing specific?
Q. Opening 65 where conditions were really easy. A little more difficult today for 68?
MATT EVERY: A little bit. Got off to a great start. Had a stretch there in the middle of the back nine, had mud balls on 11, 13 and 14. Kind of a bummer but it happens.
But other than that, pretty good day.
Q. You said it wasn't your plan to play bad forever; you won back-to-back tournaments at the Arnold Palmer in 2014 and 2015. Do you feel like your game is starting to round back into that form?
MATT EVERY: Yeah, it is. I'm not really good at lying to myself, so I know when it's there and when it's not. I definitely feel like I've made big strides the last few months, because it sucks to suck.
Q. That two-hour rain delay did not slow you down at all. How were you able to carry that good play and that momentum into the second round and put yourself into a good spot?
MATT EVERY: You never know what you're going to get when you wake up in the morning. Got off to a good start. Just kind of rode it for a little bit, and then in the middle of the round slowed down.
I'm playing well right now. It's not like a surprise to me. But I feel good with where I'm at.
Q. After your round yesterday, you talked about things you've been working on. It has not been the most spectacular season for you after several missed cuts, but what is coming together this week?
MATT EVERY: Well, I'm making some putts this week. Normally I struggle off the tee. But it's been pretty good off the tee the last few weeks. I just haven't made anything. I got a new putter this week, and it's kind of a placebo effect probably. I'll make my putts for a couple weeks and then start putting bad again probably.
Q. As long as it's working for you this week.
MATT EVERY: Yeah, right. I'll just switch again.
Q. Where your standings or in the FedEx points outside of the 200 Mark, what would you say is the mentality and how much does that creep into your mind, knowing the Playoffs are just around the corner?
MATT EVERY: Well, I'm exempt next year, so it's not life or death, but, I really would like to make the Playoffs. It is important to me. Because I feel like I'm playing good enough to do -- if you just get in, you can do -- one good finish covers up a lot. Yeah, I would love to sneak in. I've got a lot of work to do. But it's definitely on my mind.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
