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July 3, 2017

Rafael Nadal

Wimbledon, London, England

R. NADAL/J. Millman

6-1, 6-3, 6-2

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. After two years away from Wimbledon courts, did you expect to play like that this afternoon?
RAFAEL NADAL: I always expect to go on court and compete well, try my best. Things sometimes goes better, and things sometimes goes worst.

But, no, I don't know, was a very positive match for me, a good start. That's doesn't mean a lot. The only thing that means was today was a very positive start. I am through to the second round. That's a very important thing for me.

And I happy because I didn't win a lot of matches last couple of years here in Wimbledon. Today I win one, and I am looking forward to play the second one.

Q. If you could go back in time and give your younger self a bit of an advice, one advice or two, what would it be? To the start of your career maybe, what kind of advices would you give yourself?
RAFAEL NADAL: I don't know. At the end of the day you need to do your way and you need to do your mistakes. But for me personally, obviously I would change things, but at the same time I tried hard always, no? I played with passion. I played with determination on what I wanted.

So I could do things better, yes, but not too many.

Q. You said before the tournament that your knees would determine if you could play well on grass. Do your knees feel like you can win Wimbledon?
RAFAEL NADAL: My knees are ready for the second round probably, that's all. And I am happy that I am here playing again in Wimbledon and with positive feelings in terms of health. That's the most important thing.

Q. A couple years since you played on grass. You looked very comfortable very quickly today. How much do you actually have to adjust your game now with the grass? Are there big adjustments you need to make or is it relatively the same game for you?
RAFAEL NADAL: It's a big change or big difference playing here or playing in hard or clay, no? Of course, I need to adjust my game. Of course, I can practice. But the only way to find your way on how to play well here is playing matches.

Today was a positive one, and have another opportunity after tomorrow.

Q. Did you feel yourself getting more comfortable during the sets, getting used to the surface very quickly?
RAFAEL NADAL: I was hitting well. I think I had good feelings with the ball during the whole week of practice. Then, you know, on grass you meet players that they can be very aggressive, and anything can happen, no?

Is obvious at the beginning I started trying to not have a lot of mistakes, playing more safe. I finished the match hitting some great forehands, no? That's the way. I need to play aggressive with my forehand. Obviously I need to serve well. That's the only way that I can have chances to have good result here.

Q. How would you describe Donald Young?
RAFAEL NADAL: I play against Donald? He won?

Q. Yes.
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, he's an aggressive player. He's a player that plays quick, hits the ball so quick. Sometimes he's able to play at a very, very high level. Is a dangerous opponent, no? Is a lefty, too, so that makes a big difference.

At the same time he's a player that, as I said before, is quick. He can decide the balls quick. He can hit a lot of winners with his forehand especially. He has great movements.

So is going to be a tough, tough match. He played some matches already on grass this year. So I need to play well, obviously.

Q. Dustin Brown, he said earlier he thought the courts here were slower than in Roland Garros now. Is there any truth to that? If that were the case, that would surely suit you better. Do you think that's true?
RAFAEL NADAL: You are asking me about that, so probably he make his goal. Is obvious that if we compare the speed of playing here or playing on Roland Garros, even there is not discussion. So is stupid talking about that because is obvious that is completely different sport, and I am not sure if Dustin was talking seriously or not.

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