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July 6, 2017
Wimbledon, London, England
6-4, 6-2
THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.
Q. Can you tell us about today. How do you feel after the match?
COCO VANDEWEGHE: A lot better than I did in the first round. Tatjana is a very tricky player. She constantly is putting pressure on you, whether it's to make a pass or continue a point through. She's very fast.
She makes it very difficult, and constantly tests your nerve to be able to come up with the goods.
Q. You said you feel better than the last round. What specifically about your game do you feel better about?
COCO VANDEWEGHE: Well, I think first and foremost just being comfortable out on the grass. Second match you're feeling a lot calmer about your choices in play.
Second thing was serving. I wanted to improve on that. I felt a lot better in that department.
I think just moving forward and executing on the volleys, I think those were the three things I did really well today.
Q. Looking ahead, you could face Alison Riske. What do you think about her game? Have you played her before?
COCO VANDEWEGHE: Yeah, yeah, I've played her a couple of times. We've been on Fed Cup teams together. We're good friends. We did our championship hit together out here. We know each other pretty well.
Q. What about her game, is there something you would find particularly challenging, you know she has strengths in?
COCO VANDEWEGHE: She's strong in the way of she hits a ball that's pretty flat and goes through the court. She's also a very good fighter so she kind of poses a lot of different challenges, especially on the grass where the ball goes through the court a lot, better than it normally would.
She's deceptively fast. She gets a lot of balls back in play and constantly makes you hit another ball.
Q. As your time with Pat Cash is evolving, how have the things you've learned from him kind of changed from day-to-day or evolved?
COCO VANDEWEGHE: Well, he made another reference just now in the gym about Starvin Lee Marvin or something like that. I've heard of Starvin Marvin. He references some more '80s bands, stuff like that. I guess my IQ is evolving in that department of learning those little things (smiling).
Q. How about as far as tennis and the approach? Is there anything in the messages that you've picked up that is different from the beginning with him as you get more comfortable with each other?
COCO VANDEWEGHE: I think it's more just the demeanor is similar to mine. He's pretty ruthless in the fact of how he manages the time on court, how the mentality is supposed to be out there. I think I kind of demand the same. I think we're very similar in that regard. That's kind of what's pushed me in the tennis department, is kind of matching him on that.
Q. Middle Sunday we all have off. What are you going to do on that day off? Do you have any plans?
COCO VANDEWEGHE: I don't have any plans. Usually there's a practice involved, but it's pretty chill. This year I got invited to a Sunday party, but I doubt I'll be able to go. I usually end up missing out on all these 'fun' things to do and have to go work actually.
It will be pretty chill. Probably come out here after waking up at 11:30. You know, nothing too stressful.
Q. On your serves, it seems like you can be really aggressive on a return. Take me through the style you play after you hit a big serve, if the first one is in, how that sets up your game.
COCO VANDEWEGHE: It depends first serve or second serve.
The first serve, I kind of like to dictate with placement. That's kind of what I like to focus on. The power kind of just comes naturally. I don't really focus too much on hit it harder or get the mph's up or anything like that.
Then from there, it's more I've already decided what I'm going to do before. If I choose to hit a serve body, if it comes to my backhand, I'm going cross-court. If it comes to my forehand, I'm going up the middle. I kind of already decide what I'm going to do as far as the first shot goes on my serve.
Return, it's pretty similar. It kind of depends on where I'm at in the game. If I'm making a lot of returns, maybe I'll be greedy and go for something a little bit closer to the line. If not, I'll try and be solid, kind of keep my presence up on the baseline a little bit.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
