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July 8, 2017

Jo-Wilfried Tsonga

Wimbledon, London, England

S. QUERREY/J. Tsonga

6-2, 3-6, 7-6, 1-6, 7-5

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. How do you feel after that?
JO-WILFRIED TSONGA: Frustrated, of course, because I was short. And that's it. That's it. Nothing more.

Q. Were you frustrated at all that it was held over in the first place?
JO-WILFRIED TSONGA: What do you mean?

Q. Do you think you could have played more last night?
JO-WILFRIED TSONGA: No, yesterday was tough, too. The light was difficult, you know, to return and see. So no. I'm frustrated because I lost and I stayed two minutes on court today.

Q. How difficult was it to set foot out there and have to serve right away with the match one game perhaps from ending?
JO-WILFRIED TSONGA: It's not easy. Not easy, for sure.

Now, you know, sometimes it can be easier than other time, you know. I lost also in Roland Garros in the same way. Yeah. I change few things from Roland Garros, but yeah.

My opponent was good today. He did three, four good shots, and yeah, that's it.

Q. Do you feel like it might have gone differently, had been a different result if you'd been able to finish it on the same day?

Q. Is it particularly frustrating for you to lose that match having come back into it really well after going a set down?
JO-WILFRIED TSONGA: Yeah, you know, I wish I can of course win this one. I don't know. Maybe I won more points than him in this match, but that's tennis, you know. I know how it works. It's not because you win more points than another player and then you will win the match.

Yeah. That's it. I think he dealt pretty good with his serve. He played well. He's been opportunist. Yeah.

Q. Were you at all surprised at how well Querrey played?
JO-WILFRIED TSONGA: Not at all, because I played him few times already. I played him here on the same court in the same conditions and we had to stop also for the night. Yeah.

No, I knew he was a good player. He's always been a good player, especially on grass. Yeah, I knew before the match it's gonna be tough.

Q. Often in a situation like that, fifth set, Grand Slam, a place like here and Roland Garros where there aren't lights, it will be stopped at an even number, like at 6-6, let's say, last night. Were you okay with stopping at 6-5, or did you want to stop last night?
JO-WILFRIED TSONGA: I was okay with that. You know, it's not a problem. If I come and win my game, we continue. That's not a problem.

Yeah, I was okay with everything. I mean, you know, it's just part of the game. Yesterday if I go, I continue and I serve and I can't see the ball coming back from the returns and I miss it, then I will -- probably I will be, you know, disappointed, too. You know, so I did what I had to do. Unfortunately it didn't work, but yeah, that's tennis.

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