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July 16, 2017
Wimbledon, London, England
2-6, 6-3, 6-0
THE MODERATOR: Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to our ladies wheelchair doubles champions. We'll take questions.
Q. You cracked this, haven't you? What is the secret?
JORDANNE WHILEY: I say every time, we're just the best of friends. Although a lot of doubles partnerships, they are friends, they get on well, me and Yui, we just know each other inside and out. We spend a lot of time together off the court. We really do know what makes each other tick.
I think today our first set didn't go to plan. I wasn't playing so well. Yui wasn't feeling so confident. We knew we were always going to try hard for each other. Sometimes we don't even have to speak to each other, it's simple little winks or smiles or eye contact.
Q. You mentioned earlier in the week, after your singles match, that you still had faith that you could come through and win the doubles again. How reassuring is it now to have done that, have a bit more confidence in your wrist going forward?
JORDANNE WHILEY: Yeah, my body actually feels pretty good. I'm happy. This definitely feels the most special to me because of the time I had out. It's been eight months. I really didn't even expect to get to a final, no matter about winning it.
I think that just shows how strong me and Yui really are. We haven't played together for a year, I've had a lot of time out, but we can still come back and win Wimbledon again.
Q. You said the first set, lack of confidence, weren't playing well, but a nod and a wink and a smile. Literally is that all it takes? Were there some buzzwords you gave to each other?
JORDANNE WHILEY: Yeah, no, it literally is that. We talk tactics in the match. We said to each other we need to be more aggressive because we were very passive in that first set. I think we were a bit nervous, as well, going into a final on Court 3.
No, it really is eye contact and smiling. Smiling is the key. If you smile, you feel better, you play better tennis.
Q. You say you're best of friends as well. How much do you keep in touch over the last year or so when you've been out of the game completely? How much of a difference has that made to you in having that confidence when you come back?
JORDANNE WHILEY: Yeah, we message all the time. When Yui actually replies to my messages...
No, we message a lot. In the last eight months we haven't spoken as much as before because Yui's been really busy on the tour, I've been trying to get my body fixed as well. As soon as we come together, the friendship never changes.
Q. Talk about the secret of success with Jordanne.
YUI KAMIJI: As she said, we play together like three years. We spend more time than on court. That help us.
Q. Obviously today is another milestone for you.
JORDANNE WHILEY: To be honest, I didn't even think about that. I was so focused on getting four Wimbledons because it sounds better than three, that I forgot now I was actually into double figures individually, which is incredible. I've always wanted to get into double figures. Now I am.
I've equaled it, so it's a healthy rivalry between me and him.
Q. Are you going to go for the gold bling now?
JORDANNE WHILEY: Definitely. I don't have a gold medal. Hopefully in three years' time, I can do that in Tokyo.
Q. Over the four years you've been triumphant here, have you noticed an increase in crowd noise, appreciation and knowledge?
JORDANNE WHILEY: Definitely, definitely. Every year the crowd gets bigger and it gets stronger.
Today I was a little bit worried that people weren't going to know that we were there, because you're sort of in that bowl. Wheelchair tennis is one of those things where you see it and you get hooked, whereas if you don't know it's there, you might not go and see it.
I was really pleased today there was a massive crowd. I'm so grateful to Wimbledon for putting us on that court. They really do help us. The crowd don't realize how much they get behind us and how much it really helps. We definitely needed that in the second set.
Q. You've not been on Court 3 before?
JORDANNE WHILEY: We played on it once the first time we played together in 2013, but it was empty then.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
