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June 22, 2017
Brooklyn, New York
Q. Could you start out with an opening statement about what you're going to bring to your new team, please.
DWAYNE BACON: I'm just excited coming in and working, get being better in every aspect of the game. I feel like I can bring a lot of scoring, a different type of scoring. I scored at all three levels, and once I learn from the greatest in Michael Jordan and Kemba and all those guys, I'm going to add a lot to my game.
Q. I know you talked about wanting to go higher and being motivated by being lower. How much do you want teams to pay for making you wait this long?
DWAYNE BACON: It's just all about playing my game now. I've got a team, and I'm just going to do the best I can to make it home.
Q. What were your meetings like with them? What kind of feedback did they give you?
DWAYNE BACON: They liked me as a player. They've seen me play a lot. They were at my pro day in full effect. At my pro day they told me I helped myself, and it's just a blessing to be picked by those guys.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
