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May 17, 2017
Rome, Italy
6-1, 6-1
THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.
Q. A good, clean match today, I thought. What did you think worked well for you today that maybe hasn't been working or clicking on the clay?
KAROLINA PLISKOVA: Yeah, I mean, so far I think was the easiest match even in this year. Definitely happy that it was on clay, because I was waiting for this kind of match what I felt quite okay for a few weeks already, so happy that I got it.
Excited to be in the third round here. It's my first singles win in this tournament (smiling).
It's a big win for me, definitely. Excited to be there. Hopefully I can still improve with the next match. Definitely expecting tough one. Obviously Barbora or Timea, both of them on clay, not gonna be easy. Just going to enjoy the win today.
Q. How do you like that court?
KAROLINA PLISKOVA: Was okay for me. I was playing doubles on that Court 3, I think, I think the day before, so I think it's similar. I think I played pretty fast and pretty aggressive today.
It was okay for me, even the balls. And it's 30 degrees outside, so I think it's flying a lot and it's quite fast.
Q. The surroundings and everything are pretty unique.
KAROLINA PLISKOVA: Yeah, but, I mean, for me the court was nice. Just the people, it's like quite noisy sometimes, but I was just enjoying to play this court.
Q. It looked like a great sort of easy scoreline, but were there times where you felt you really had to work for it out there today?
KAROLINA PLISKOVA: I think there are a few games in first and second set where I was down -- first set, I was down 40-Love on my serve and I made it on 4-1, so it was a big game when I turn around that game.
And that was probably the key, I think, even the match. Even in the second set it was one game close, but we went to deuce. So I think there were two or three games really close, which made the difference. Could be maybe a little bit different if I would have losed. Happy that I won it and was easy like this.
Q. You have been practicing in Rome for a bit. It's been much warmer than it was for parts of Madrid and definitely Stuttgart and Prague. Do you think the weather has anything to do with feeling comfortable out there? Just with the balls, the conditions?
KAROLINA PLISKOVA: Yeah, I feel always bad when it's a little bit hot out there, not like really terrible hot, but like this was great for me. So I have the feeling the balls are flying. It's faster. Obviously I just overall like weather like this. For me, it's better to play in these conditions.
Q. You wear Fila. Not too many other players on WTA wear. Do you enjoy that? There have been several matches here and every week where there's two players in the same outfit playing each other. You don't have that too much.
KAROLINA PLISKOVA: Yeah, I think it's -- I have been enjoying that, because Fila, even the contract I have, so nice, people around me from Fila team. That's first thing.
And second thing is just what you said. Let's say Nike, they have so many players and even so many players in the same outfit. There is only, I think, Maria or Serena they have different, but all the rest, they have the same ones. Sometimes it can look strange on TV maybe for people, but otherwise, I just don't really care about clothes, so...
Q. Again, you say you were coming here without expectation. Is that a secret? Were you feeling lighter than usual?
KAROLINA PLISKOVA: Yeah, I was feeling okay even before the match even yesterday when we played doubles. Unfortunately we lost, but I had few days for prepare for my singles matches, and I was feeling okay even in the practice. So I just said, this tournament, doesn't matter, like, how I play, if I do some good result or not. Maybe that helped me just to play a little bit more free today.
Q. Are you planning to play the doubles in French Open with Barbora?
KAROLINA PLISKOVA: No, I'm not gonna play doubles in French Open at all.
Q. What do you make of Rome as a city for you? I mean, is it too crazy, too chaotic, too noisy? Do you like being able to walk around? What's your take on the city?
KAROLINA PLISKOVA: Definitely, for me, one of the best cities what I have ever been. There is such a good history here. You can visit so many places and so many different places, not just to be in the club. And everything is quite close so you can walk everywhere.
You can have really good food here, some ice cream. That's also important just to have tournaments like this. Obviously this tournament, if I look at the tennis side, there is so many fans coming, which is also nice. Sometimes it's quite noisy, but I think it's good change, definitely.
Q. Just on history, do you notice the history of the venue, the courts? They are much older than, say, and more classic looking than Madrid, let's say.
KAROLINA PLISKOVA: Well, I would of thought so. Madrid, it's quite new, the stadium and everything. It looks different. But I don't know much about this club. If I win more matches here, then I'm going to get to know this club better.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
