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April 27, 2017

K.J. Choi

Charlie Wi

Avondale, Louisiana

Q. Right round of golf, especially the way you guys closed it out. How much fun is this format and the way you guys played today?
CHARLIE WI: Well, we didn't know what to expect because it's something we haven't done too much out on the PGA TOUR. He's played some Presidents Cups and I've played some World Cups where we've had this format. It was a lot of fun. We just didn't know what to expect, but we hung in there. It's amazing, we just added it up, it was seven birdies today on alternate-shot. I thought that was very good.

Q. The putter was hot for both of you guys today, K.J.; that 21-footer really put the cherry on top of a great round.
K.J. CHOI: Yeah, many shot miss in the second shot, it's make in the chipping and I make the putt. He miss shot and I make a putt. It's a great combination, so we have good friendship. I love it today the playing. Very good start.

Q. How much knowing each other's game helps in this format, especially with alternate-shot, to know the tendencies and how you guys play golf together?
K.J. CHOI: Yeah, it's very important the tee shot because in alternate-shot, both in very constant accuracy. Some wrong, some different shot is very difficult second shot, you know. We're very accurate on the tee shot and the second shot. Similar game, more better in the short game Charlie, and putting is good. I'm very comfortable playing. As we continue three more days, we'll be fine.

Q. To get 67 out of this format, Charlie, and then going into tomorrow, you know there's going to be birdies. It's going to be completely different. But what does getting off to this start mean going into tomorrow?
CHARLIE WI: Fantastic. I thought that anything around par, under par I thought would be great, and to shoot 5-under I think is a bonus. We ham and egged very well today, and I've known K.J. for 20 years, so it was nice to be out there with him, and we had a lot of laughs. We played pretty solid today.

Q. We saw the emotion out there, a hug at the end. Describe what it's like to play with a guy that you've known for 20 years in this type of team format.
CHARLIE WI: Well, coming into this tournament, I haven't had -- the last tournament I played was Sanderson Farms seven months ago, so I was pretty nervous going out there today, but he kept me pretty calm, and to finish at 5-under, that seems amazing to us, or to me anyway. It's a great feeling.

Yeah, we thought that anything under par would be great today, and to shoot 5-under, that's a great result.

Q. K.J. how much did it help that you guys have known each other and played together for 20 years, especially in this alternate-shot format?
K.J. CHOI: Yeah, you know, it's an advantage very important, the tee shot. We're very accurate, Charlie and I. The main thing now is I'm coaching Charlie. We're mainly talking about it, long time friends. The friendship is comfortable. His putting and short game is better than me, so I'm comfortable in the second shot, and I miss a shot, he said, okay, no problem, he's a brother, and I chipping and he make a putt. It's good momentum today, so very fun.

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