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March 25, 2017

Soren Kjeldsen

Austin, Texas

Q. 5 & 4 win over Billy McGirt. That's good for you.
SOREN KJELDSEN: That was good. I played really well. After the day off yesterday, it was nice to come out and start with a birdie. I got straight back into the rhythm. I played really solid today.

Q. Could that be tricky, not playing today, a complete break?
SOREN KJELDSEN: It shouldn't be. You never know, little things can change this game in a heartbeat. I was pleased to come out and get started again.

Q. You will be heading into this afternoon and sometimes it's nice to finish off a match in style?
SOREN KJELDSEN: Yeah, I hit a really good wedge on 14. It was a perfect number, so I could go straight at it and I did and it worked out nice.

Q. What's good about your game right now?
SOREN KJELDSEN: Everything really. I'm striking the ball really well. I've been putting well the last month. Overall I feel calm and comfortable.

Q. Are you looking forward to this afternoon?
SOREN KJELDSEN: Absolutely. Obviously Jon is playing great, so it will be great fun.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports

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