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November 18, 2016

Stan Wawrinka

London, England, United Kingdom

A. MURRAY/S. Wawrinka

6-4, 6-2

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. You started off really strong. What do you think he did to kind of turn the momentum a bit? You seemed to be flying after the first few games.
STAN WAWRINKA: I think he did many things good. I think he was serving really well, especially playing good after the serve. He didn't give me many chance, especially at the beginning.

Yeah, he make me hesitating a little bit with my game, when to go, when to stay back. That's why he's so good. That's why he's No. 1. He's in full confidence. He's playing the right things.

For me was tough. Tough score also. I think I was starting well, but few little things can make a big difference against a player like him.

Q. Can you give a little analysis at this point on your season, what you thought went well, what didn't good well, where you exceeded your expectations, maybe where you did not?
STAN WAWRINKA: Well, I think was amazing season. Going to finish No. 4, No. 5 in the world, with one Grand Slam, with other title as well. Was really important for me to win at home in Geneva. Some tough other results, for sure. Here wasn't the best tournament, but still fight until the end.

I think after US Open was tough. There's many thing I can improve, I know. But if I look in general, the season is amazing for me. I won a Grand Slam, plus finish in the top five. That's something I would have signed before starting the season, that's for sure.

Q. To finish in the top five is something you would sign again for next year if you could win another slam. How do you explain the fact that in the Masters 1000s, you were not so great? Is that because you lack enough interest? You were thinking about something else, the slams, or what?
STAN WAWRINKA: I think it's not that simple. It's not that I just want to focus on slam and fight during the fight. It's because all the effort I'm making outside the slam that I can play so well in slam.

I don't have the answer now. If I have the answer, I would have changed already since long time and I would play better in Masters 1000.

There is no answer yet. I wish I could play better. I wish I could do better result in Masters 1000. That's going to be my goal next year. It was the goal already this year. It didn't happen. Doesn't mean you always reach your goal.

I'm trying everything to be at my top. My top this year was that. I did some mistake. I didn't play well all the year, that's for sure. But it's not like I'm not focused. It's not like I don't want.

I know how tough is it to be where I am right now. Maybe we need to talk with my team to change few things for next year because this year we tried to play better in Masters 1000. Didn't went well enough. But let's see.

I think winning a slam, it's already really, really big for me. I prefer to look at that than not the great result in Masters 1000.

Q. You had some inconsistent results, particularly after the US Open. Obviously you had a knee injury. Did you suffer another letdown? You've been through a couple of major wins, and had a letdown. Did the same thing happen this fall?
STAN WAWRINKA: For sure it happened, but more straight after the US Open. I think tennis is tough emotionally. It's a rollercoaster during the year for the emotion, for your brain. When you go that high, especially by winning New York, for sure after it's not always simple. But that's part of a tennis player's life. You need to find the way how to make it positive.

I think the bad result wasn't because of that. It was for different reason, but not because of that. The motivation was really high.

Again, here, I think at least I played better against Cilic. I tried everything today. I played against someone who was way better than me today. I have to accept it.

I still enjoy the week. I think it's still a big chance for me to be here. I'm always happy to come back to World Tour Finals. That's always something amazing for my career. Hopefully I can be back next year.

Q. There are some graphics which shows that the surface is a bit quicker than previous years. Was the surface speed an issue for you?
STAN WAWRINKA: No, I think it was a little bit faster, but I don't think that's affect the result. As a tennis player, you need to adapt to fast or slow surface.

I think for me was still a great surface to play.

Q. Whenever you break racquets, you do it over your knee or foot. How did you decide to start doing that? Are you actually mad when you're doing that or is it a way to reset and let energy out?
STAN WAWRINKA: I don't really think too much how I'm going to break the racquet. I think the only thing I want is if I break it, I break it properly, and I let everything going out. That's the only reason why you cannot play after with my racquet.

Q. Who do you feel now would be favored to win the title? Is Andy playing well enough to do so?
STAN WAWRINKA: For sure he's playing more than well enough to win it here. Who is the favorite? I think for me Novak and Andy are at the same level. I think it's going to be a really interesting weekend with some really good match tomorrow, semifinal, and hopefully amazing final.

It will be interesting and amazing to finish with a final Andy against Novak.

Q. Maybe because you were sort of a late-bloomer, after 25 or 26 years old, I always consider you a little younger than you are. I'd like to know if you are a bit afraid or worried about the fact that next year you'll be 31, 32.

Q. Do you feel maybe you're losing some speed or you're afraid some other players, when they get older, 32, they start going down? Is it something that worries you or really you don't even think about it?
STAN WAWRINKA: No, for sure I think about it. For sure, I'm worry about it because I'm closer from the end than the beginning.

For sure I'm I will say young at the top, but my age is going to be 32 next year, so there is things I need to be careful on. I'm always trying to improve, always trying to be at my top, trying to push the limit. Hopefully I can still be at that place next year. I'm trying everything for that.

Even this year I was thinking maybe I was a little bit slower for some things, but then I win a Grand Slam. That means I'm able to beat the best player in the world. I will for sure do everything this off-season and next year to be at the top.

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