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July 21, 2001

Michele Redman


MICHELE REDMAN: I'm sure everybody else has said the same. They had some different pins. I bogeyed 2. I hit it left in the bunker with a 7-iron and didn't get up-and-down. I had about a 12-footer left and didn't make it. Then I missed the green out of the bunker and didn't it get it up-and-down. Had probably about a 15-footer and missed it. Then I finally made a birdie on 11, I knocked it about six feet with a 7-iron. Then 12, I bogeyed. I hit it right in the bunker with a 6-iron. Knocked it out to about 15 feet and missed the putt. Then 13, I bogeyed. I missed the green short and missed about a 12-footer for par. Then 15, I 2-putted. I hit 7-wood into the green. I 2-putted about 65 feet for birdie. 17, I hit a 9-iron to about 15 feet for birdie. 18, I hit 3-wood to about 22 feet for eagle.

Q. (Inaudible).

MICHELE REDMAN: Sure. Especially because I got some sleep last night.

Q. (Inaudible.)

MICHELE REDMAN: I was getting frustrated today. It seemed like with me -- I've had a couple weeks off and I'm refreshed, but I got out there and was trying too hard to make birdies, instead of just letting them happen. I know that's why I started making some birdies coming in. Like I said yesterday, you have to take the birdies when you can get them out here. You can't force them. I was having a little trouble with the speed on the front nine. I was hitting some putts past. I had some good 3-footers on 8 and 9. I was hitting them kind of past and I think I finally got adjusted to the speed. Every day, they have gotten faster, I think.

Q. (Inaudible.)

MICHELE REDMAN: Yeah, I tell you, what did Rosie shoot today, 4- or 5 -under? That's a great score today. She's such a great putter. She's a great player, period. But like I said earlier, some of the pins were some spots that I've never seen before.

Q. (Inaudible).

MICHELE REDMAN: I think so. I said the other day, the more I play this course, the more I learn about it, every year. No matter how many times I play here -- you have to be very smart. There's just holes where you cannot get above the hole.

Q. (Inaudible.)

MICHELE REDMAN: Like I did the last five holes. (Laughter.) I think I had to give myself a little kick on 13, and once I did that -- like I said, hopefully I can just go out and play like I did the last four or five holes and just be -- not try to hard. Just kind of get up it hit it and accept where it was going. I think before I was trying too hard to make birdies. I'm just going to try to not look at the board. It's my first week back in two weeks. I'm happy with the way I'm playing, so I just have to kind of see where I end up.

Q. (Inaudible.)

MICHELE REDMAN: Today, I did. Tomorrow, I won't. I try not to. I mean, you know it depends on how I'm playing. If I'm not playing that good, I may. If I am playing good, I probably won't.

Q. (Inaudible.)

MICHELE REDMAN: 15 was way back left. I had never seen it back there. I mean, they were good pins, but just different from what I've seen here in the past. Even 10 was like 224 (inaudible) -- from the left and yesterday they had it 4 from the left there. They have had it back all three days on No. 7, which I think that hole is difficult anyways. That back left pin on 7 I've never seen. It was a good pin, I've just never seen it from there.

Q. (Inaudible.)

MICHELE REDMAN: Well, they played the tees down, it made it a lot easier. But like I said, I was surprised to see it back there today.

Q. (Inaudible.)

MICHELE REDMAN: Depends on the weather. If it stays like it is -- she shot 66 today. I think that's a good score on this course today. That's a very good score. It is not playing as easy as it was the first day. The greens, they are running more. And like I said, the pins were more difficult the last two days.

Q. (Inaudible.)

MICHELE REDMAN: I don't think they did. They watered a couple of -- what hole was I on that I thought the fairway was really wet? I don't think they watered, if they did, not very much. That's my guess.

Q. (Inaudible.)

MICHELE REDMAN: Yeah, they are. But they are still rolling good. There are only two greens that are not good out there. The rest of them are fine.

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