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August 14, 2016
Silvis, Illinois
Q. I know you wanted that birdie at the end. Were you aware of what a tie for third might be compared to slow low third?
MORGAN HOFFMANN: No, I just wanted to make a putt, which didn't happen all day.
Q. With all that said, though, you're doing the work that's necessary to get your card. What was the mind-set this week and how happy are you that that you were able to perform the way you were?
MORGAN HOFFMANN: Obviously it's a lot better. I'm pretty disappointed right now. But from what it's been this year, I'm very pleased with the week and going in the right direction, for sure.
Q. What's the outlook now for Wyndham?
MORGAN HOFFMANN: Yeah, just going to keep improving on what I'm working on and hopefully get myself in the same position on Sunday.
Q. You had a great week this week, in spite of the long days and weather and everything. You must take a lot of pride out of the performance.
MORGAN HOFFMANN: For sure. It's been a lot better than the rest of the year. It definitely is a step in the right direction.
Q. Johnson talked about when he was on the bubble coming into the FedEx and now that's where you find yourself. How do you feel heading into next week?
MORGAN HOFFMAN: Yeah, one more week, like the course a lot. Game is trending in the right direction. Probably talk to my coach a bunch between now and Thursday, so hopefully get it right.
Q. On the back nine, was there frustration that things were not falling the way you hoped?
MORGAN HOFFMAN: Yeah, middle of the round, it kind of went sideways. Just, I don't know, wasn't feeling right and then finally the last four holes, started hitting it good and just couldn't read the putts coming in.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
