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August 11, 2016

Gary Hallberg

Columbus, Ohio

GARY HALLBERG: Get steady, be calm, let it come to you. And I hit a 52 degree from 116 yards, and I aimed about five yards left, little left to right wind, and it hit and rolled. It was online, and next thing you know, it disappeared. Incredible.

I didn't want to get too excited because it was the first hole, and I had a lot of golf left. So I tried to be calm about it, but that was fantastic to make an eagle on the 1st hole.

Q. 52-degree wedge. What kind of wedge was it?
GARY HALLBERG: It was a gap wedge, 52. A Hopkins wedge, and it was just right.

Q. How difficult were the conditions this afternoon with the heat on you like that? How maybe did it change the way that you attacked the course?
GARY HALLBERG: It's really hard. The swirling winds, the rough. You had to get it straight. Yeah, it's just tough. Jeez, I'm too old for this. You know, I want to start smoothing things out as I get older. I feel like I'm finished, like I'm a bricklayer, and I just did 12 hours laying brick, concrete.

You know, I exaggerate, but, yeah, it was tiring, you know, very tiring. I drank a lot of water. I'm really hungry right now, didn't eat enough. As you can see, I'm kind of skinny as it is. But it was quite a test, quite a test.

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