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June 28, 2016
London, England
T. BABOS/K. Swan
6‑2, 6‑3
THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.
Q. That was a lot closer than the scoreline suggests, wasn't it?
KATIE SWAN: Yeah, it was a really tough match, but for my first time playing here in the women's, I thought it was pretty good.
Q. What do you make of it, the atmosphere?
KATIE SWAN: It was such a good experience for me to have. I really enjoyed it. And it was great having the crowd supporting me. Yeah, I loved it.
Q. They liked you, didn't they, the crowd?
KATIE SWAN: Yeah, it was pretty good.
Q. Was it different than you expected? I'm sure you've dreamed about that moment quite a bit. How was the reality of it?
KATIE SWAN: Yeah, once you get out there you start to focus the same as in every other match. It wasn't easy. I was quite nervous at the start, but as it went on I thought I got into it better and better. Yeah.
Q. How much does that kind of experience boost you moving forward? In terms of confidence, how much can that help you?
KATIE SWAN: I think it's really good for me to have experienced that, because I wasn't playing my best level but I was still competing with her and I had chances to do better than I did. I think that's the positives to take.
She's top 50 and I can compete with her. That's definitely a good confidence boost for me going forward.
Q. How much of a role model is Jo Konta for you?
KATIE SWAN: It's amazing what Jo has done in the last year. She's gone from, like, I think 150 to top 20. It's incredible. It's great for me to see that and for everyone in British tennis to look up to her for that.
Q. Your dress. Just wondering how it was for you out there, if you had it fixed over the weekend?
KATIE SWAN: Yeah, I think they altered it a little bit. There was a slit in the sides before. I think they fixed that. I found it comfortable. I was fine in it.
Q. Your lucky charm did suggest that dresses are becoming too figure hugging. He was concerned about the dress that you were wearing.
KATIE SWAN: I don't know. I didn't really have a problem with it. It was comfortable for me.
Q. Seemed like you had to tuck it in on one side?
KATIE SWAN: Yeah, I think it kind of just did that because it was like floating a little bit, so I just kind of tucked it under, and also when I was serving it went like that anyway because I was using the shorts for the ball.
Q. What's your main memory of this tournament, this Wimbledon debut?
KATIE SWAN: I'm so grateful that I got the experience to play here at my age, as well. Hopefully I can come back a lot more times to do it. I loved it out there today, and I think next time I'll be more confident because I have had this experience. And, yeah, there is a lot of positives to take from it but also a lot of things to learn.
Q. Did you speak to anybody beforehand, someone who has gone through similar experiences?
KATIE SWAN: Just my coaching team around me. They gave me a lot of support and kind of tried to give me the best preparation I could have to go out there. They did a good job of that.
Q. No other players?
KATIE SWAN: No, I didn't really talk to the other players before.
Q. You're 17. The majority of your peers are still studying. Did you ever think about the kind of example that you set?
KATIE SWAN: Well, I actually still study, as well. I'm doing online school. I'm still doing that right now.
Q. But you're packing so much into your summer.
KATIE SWAN: Yeah, I had some of my best friends from school came today from when I was younger, and it was really nice to see them there. I'm just doing what I love to do, and if that inspires other people, then great. Yeah.
Q. What's next?
KATIE SWAN: I'm planning on playing juniors. So that starts on Saturday or Monday. Get ready for that now.
Q. Sort of ideal preparation, would you say?
KATIE SWAN: Yeah, definitely. This was such a good experience. Playing here, I played last year in juniors. Getting to play here in the women's this year, I think that will give me confidence going into juniors, as well.
Q. What would it be to follow Laura Robson and win the whole thing?
KATIE SWAN: I'm not thinking about winning it just yet. Just need to take it match by match and see how it goes.
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