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July 2, 2016
London, England
T. BACSINSZKY/M. Niculescu
4‑6, 6‑2, 6‑1
THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.
Q. Congratulations on your win. Coming back from the rain, you're an experienced player now, just kind of curious about your methodology, thought process for coming back for such a short stint. Probably done it before. Is it something you have been able to improve on doing it over the course of your career?
TIMEA BACSINSZKY: Well, when we sat down with my coach like at 10:30 yesterday evening when I got back to the hotel to talk a little bit about the match, well, I realized actually it never happened in the last three years since I came back that I had to finish a match on another day. I think so. I mean, we were really thinking a long time to know if it happened or not. And it didn't.
Well, the only time it happened to me, I think it was here at my first Wimbledon in 2007 against Dushevina, and I ‑‑no, not even. No, it was the same day. But anyway, I ended up losing it.
But I think I never played the day after on the pro circuits. In juniors, yes, but not pro circuits. It was new for me. I tell you, this morning when I woke up at 6:30, I was like, first of all, where am I? I didn't realize I was in my room. Sometimes it happens when you travel a lot. I don't realize where I am, so it happened this morning, too. I was like panicked. Oh, where is everything? Ah, boyfriend is there. This is good. Safe.
And then I was like, Oof, I have a match to play. Ah, it's Love‑1 in the third. And then it's coming up again.
So it's tough because you have this tension since Tuesday, actually. Not this match, but of my first round already from Tuesday, then Wednesday, then I finally played on Thursday. Then right away you have to play on Friday. Then Friday it doesn't end. The tension is still there. You have to just try to use as less energy that you can.
So really I wasn't really thinking about the match actually yesterday evening. I just talked with my coach about 15 minutes. Anyway, I was like, Okay, it's gonna happen tomorrow. It's not important to think about what happened and, oof, what should I do or whatever. You lose too much energy.
My coach was telling me before I went on court, even at my warmup, he was telling me, Well, okay, be like a lion in the cage and just leave the cage closed until you go on court. You can open it. You decide when you open it. But just before, stay still, stay calm.
But then when you're out there, you decide when. It can be later on if you feel it's later on. But just, yeah, open the gates, let the lion in the arena.
He's making many times metaphors. It's the same as pianist. You say like that in English? Okay. That before he goes onstage, okay, he can get prepared, everything, but he has to express himself while he's onstage. Not before.
I don't need to make an unbelievable warmup and to be (speaking French) in the gym. I just need to be ready when I step on court. Then I think that's what was the key for me today. Well, I ended up winning six games in a row. It was a good one.
Q. This lion will it come out of the cage with Anastasia? I think you had a tough match with her in January. Was that because you had a slow start with injuries?
TIMEA BACSINSZKY: Well, it's totally different. It's going to be totally different. I don't know if you know how I went to Australia, but, well, the 25th of January, I was like, I'm not ready to play because I wasn't ready to play. But my coach said, Okay, let's go anyway. You have to start the year at one point. Let's go there. Even if it's for practice month in Australia, at least you get to see all the other players and motivation‑wise, it's going to be huge.
So I went there with this mentality and I lost my first match in Australia against her. But I wasn't that quick on my legs, and I was just kind of testing my knee because it was still hurting until February.
So it's really not the same. It's not gonna be the same.
But for sure I will keep on thinking, yeah, about this nice metaphors or images that my coach is giving me, because so far it has brought me to No. 9 in the world. I will just follow it, because I think he's giving some good advices.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports