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July 4, 2016
London, England
6‑3, 6‑3
THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.
Q. Not a fun day at the office. What do you think wasn't working for you?
COCO VANDEWEGHE: No, losing is never fun. I don't know. A lot of things weren't working. Missing easy first balls. I'm assuming I had a very low percentage of first serves. I haven't looked at the stats. You know, the fact I was getting pushed around out there was kind of, that's me not doing my job.
Q. What's your job, Coco?
COCO VANDEWEGHE: My job currently is antidoping, which is a little extra salt in the wound right now, and talking to you guys. That's my current job (smiling).
Q. Did you feel like things weren't going your way or getting out on the match court that...
COCO VANDEWEGHE: No, I mean, it started off fine. I had one sloppy game in the first set where she broke me at love, and then I broke back immediately. So that's fine. You're back on serve.
I got a little unlucky in that 3‑4 game. She had a let cord off a return, off a very good serve that I hit. Let cord dribbled over. When stuff like that happens, anything can happen from there off of one point.
So that was kind of the story of the first set. Second set, getting down a break early is never a confidence boost, and, you know, especially getting down a double break is not something that I should be dealing with off of my serve.
You know, I tried to keep the pressure on her as best I could, but it was a very poor returning day for me.
Q. What's your schedule rest of the summer?
COCO VANDEWEGHE: Stanford, Montreal, Olympics, Cincinnati, and possibly New Haven.
Q. Are you excited about going to Rio?
COCO VANDEWEGHE: Yes, very excited. Very excited. Just ran into Bethanie downstairs in the locker room. It's always nice to be a part of such an amazing event as the Olympics.
You know, I'm going to try and do everything that I can that's basically, you know, the Olympics, opening ceremonies, Village, go to other sporting events, stuff like that. I'm going to make the most of my time out there.
Q. Is there any athlete outside of tennis you'd kind of like to meet?
COCO VANDEWEGHE: Good question. I don't know. Funny enough I have met a lot of athletes. I think it will be nice. I know the captain of the USA water polo team, and my little sister plays water polo, so hopefully I will snag a ticket from her, Maggie Steffens.
From there, I don't know. I'll have to see what kind of tickles my fancy in the sporting world. I definitely have a soft spot for volleyball. Maybe I'll try to catch an indoor much more than beach. There's a couple of beach tournaments in California that I have gone to. Manhattan Beach Open and stuff like that.
Other than that, I don't know. I'll have to wait and see. If I can find an inspiring athlete while I'm there, then that would be awesome.
Q. The other day you spoke about the advice your grandmother gave you. What piece of advice or comment about volleyball or what other sports has most helped you from your mother?
COCO VANDEWEGHE: Gosh. She just text immediate and said, Mommy hugs (smiling). That was pretty much after my match. But, I mean, she said so many things to me and in so many different avenues of my life that it's hard to just pick one.
Q. Sorry for the timing of this question, but I have been meaning to ask you, your uncle was involved in a real important call in the NBA playoffs. What were your thoughts about the Draymond Green suspension?
COCO VANDEWEGHE: I don't know. I don't have any thoughts because I didn't watch any of the games, sadly enough. Time zones didn't work out here in Europe. I didn't even catch a single minute of the playoffs.
Q. It's always hard coming off court after a tough loss, but when things settle down, how do you think you will assess your European swing this year?
COCO VANDEWEGHE: I think it's gonna be a positive European swing going into the American hard court series. I mean, it's definitely not the result I wanted today, but, you know, there's more tournaments to come. One match is not going to make or break my career for or even my, you know, year this year.
So, you know, I would have loved to have been in the quarterfinals and even progressed further, but today was Anastasia's day, and she came out with the goods.
Q. You are going to be going to Palo Alto. And what are your thoughts about the Bay area? Could you ever imagine yourself being a college student?
COCO VANDEWEGHE: I don't think I could be a college student. I think it would be very difficult for me.
I was never the studious type. I just managed the grades that made my mom happy, which, you know, were As and Bs, and if I had anything less, then I was in trouble.
I hated the studying. I hated all of it (Laughter.)
If I was to go back and go to school, I don't think I would enjoy it. I'd feel like an old person on campus if I went back after my tennis career.
Q. So you're not a candidate for Stanford?
COCO VANDEWEGHE: I don't think I'm smart enough for Stanford, or at least what the Stanford graduates claim to be. I can say that because my aunt is a Stanford graduate. She is super smart because she is a doctor, but she also knows she is super smart.
I don't know where I would go. I would love to experience something else than California, you know, making the choice. But I was spoiled. Only couple of campuses I have ever gone to. Pepperdine, where my brother went to, Malibu on the beach, which he was spoiled as heck. And then UCLA campus. I have been to Stanford and SC, so I think I have seen some pretty spectacular campuses.
Q. Wimbledon is not a bad campus, either.
COCO VANDEWEGHE: Yeah, at least the studying here is easier.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports