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May 29, 2016

Shelby Rogers

Paris, France


6-3, 6-4

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. Obviously an emotional finish again, second match in a row. Just wondering how much of a tear machine are you in general in the rest of your life?
SHELBY ROGERS: 100% tears all the time. Sad, happy, hungry, reading a book, watching a movie. They flow very easily.

Q. Movies, toenails?
SHELBY ROGERS: Those little puppy commercials, adopt a puppy. No, change the channel. Can't do it. (Smiling.)

Q. You have obviously been playing some good tennis to get through that match, but being able to back it up on a big court like that against a player who has been playing really well too, how much of a step-up did it feel like winning a match on Lenglen?
SHELBY ROGERS: Yeah, first of all, amazing atmosphere. I really enjoyed playing on that court. It was a great experience.

I think that's a very important point on backing up a big win. I guess I have done that pretty much this whole tournament, starting with the first round, because that was a huge upset for me and kind of set the tone for the last few matches I have played.

I keep reminding myself to play one point at a time and that this is just another tennis match. But that's getting a little bit harder to do (smiling) as the rounds get farther.

But I'm very happy with the way I played, and I just hope to continue it.

Q. If someone would have told you at the beginning of the tournament that you'd be in the quarterfinals, your response would be? And then also, how have you managed your expectations as far as round by round and trying to stay in the moment?
SHELBY ROGERS: Okay, my response would be, Awesome. That sounds like a really fun thing to do, and it is and here I am. But unfortunately, no one told me that. So I didn't get to prepare for this moment.

But it's better than I thought it would be, and I'm just trying to enjoy every second of it.

The second part, remind me again.

Q. Staying in the moment.
SHELBY ROGERS: Staying in the moment, yes.

The people around me are doing a very good job of helping me with that; my coach, my family. You know, they are very excited obviously, but every time I go to hug them they're like, You're not done, you're not done.

I think it's really cool to have that behind me, because this is, you know, new territory for me, and it's very easy to get too high, I think. But I think I have done a good job so far of dealing with it.

Q. You mentioned your family. Who is here with you?
SHELBY ROGERS: My parents are here, my boyfriend is here. Obviously my agent was in my box today and my coach has been amazing.

I'm really thankful to be able to share this moment with them.

Q. Sort of going off the "had you been asked before the tournament" question, this is your 10th Grand Slam tournament, by far your best result. Does this feel like it was happening when it was supposed to? Do you feel like you're ahead of schedule? What's your sort of take on getting to this stage at this point?
SHELBY ROGERS: I think any player has to be ready to do well every week. We enter the tournaments with expectations, of course, to do well or work on things or, you know, with certain goals in mind.

If you don't expect to do well, then maybe you shouldn't play, you know. So, yeah, I have just -- I keep going back to trying to treat this as any other tournament, any other tennis match. Obviously the stakes are much higher and the players are much better.

But, you know, I'm just trying to stick with my routines and do what I have been doing all year.

Q. Last time you were asked about your next opponent and you said can you have a little time to enjoy it, but sorry, we have to ask about the next round, where it continues to get much harder.
SHELBY ROGERS: I understand.

Yeah, of course it gets harder every round. I'm ready to step up to the challenge, I think. I have nothing to lose. I have no pressure. It's just been a great experience here, and I want to keep enjoying it and keep pushing myself, you know. I'm definitely outside of my comfort zone already, and I keep telling myself, You belong here, you belong here. You know, play your game, do the things that got you to this moment. Don't change anything.

Q. Your attitude coming out from the first point was by far probably the most professional I have seen in a while. A lot of players I guess would find this big moment overwhelming. For you, though, how important is it to maintain sort of like a level head throughout the match? Because you were tested today, won the first set, down 2-0, up 4-2, and then 4-All. Maybe a little bit on your routine and your attitude on court and how you go about it.
SHELBY ROGERS: That's a really unique part of tennis, the momentum shifts and being able to keep your routines, like you said, and not get too high or too low. Keep your game plan and your strategy and keep doing, you know, what you have been doing.

I won the first set and it was working. Okay, I missed a few, but still going for the right shots kind of thing. So just keep going after it I kept telling myself. It was working in the first, it's going to work again. So keep doing it.

Q. What have you been doing on the off days? It's different and you talk about routine and trying to maintain routine. That's a lot of time between matches compared to normal. So what have you been up to?
SHELBY ROGERS: Yeah, definitely a lot different having so much down time. Usually you're right away preparing, mindset for the next match. Now it's nice because you have a little time to enjoy it as well as get ready for the next round.

So I have been practicing a little bit on court on the off days, massage, definitely taking care of the body, it's the most important thing, so I don't -- so my body doesn't let me down. Just keeping the muscles loose, recovering the best I can, ice baths, massages with trainers, that sort of stuff.

Q. Everyone I have talked to who knows you continues to tell me that you're the kindest, sweetest person in the history of civilization.
SHELBY ROGERS: You're going to make me cry.

Q. Then I'll change gears here. Do you have any plans to become hardened and bitter?
SHELBY ROGERS: No, I don't think I can (smiling).

Q. That's not in your... You are a biggie on the go now?
SHELBY ROGERS: That's really nice feedback. Same as my game. Who I am is what got me here, and I can't change it. It's who I am, so... I hope everyone likes it (smiling).

Q. First time on red clay was?
SHELBY ROGERS: Oh, goodness. Back in juniors. I went to an ITF in Panama.

Q. Secondly, can you just say inspirationally or developmentally who you think was pivotal and --
SHELBY ROGERS: Can I just say I won singles and doubles first time on red clay? I want to add that (laughter).

Q. But inspirationally or developmentally, who was sort of pivotal in your game? Can you talk about Marc, how long you have been working with him and what he's brought to your game?
SHELBY ROGERS: Sure. Second year with Marc, my coach. It's been amazing. We had a little bit of a rough year last year dealing with some injuries and some tough results like 15, 16 first-round losses. It's not easy.

But like I said, he's been very good at keeping me not too high or too low. It's a process. You have to work through these things. Each day get a little bit better. I think focusing on that has been really helpful.

Before that, I was in Charleston till I was 18 and working with my coach Bryan Minton and Fritz now, they were unbelievable at working on my technique, my skills.

And I had a great group of girls in Charleston that I grew up with, kind of this, you know, really nice peer group, and they have been texting me so much. It's awesome, you know, to just see how long we have been friends and that they still support me. They were a huge part of why, you know, I have been so successful and -- I could go on about all these people that have supported me, you know.

But I'm just happy that my coach and my parents are here to share this with them.

Q. Do you have any superstitions? Have you been eating at the same restaurant, same meal, watching the same shows? Anything?
SHELBY ROGERS: No, I try not to get weird about things I can't control, you know. And I get really bored with the things I eat, so I have to change it up a lot.

But as far as, you know, the things I do to prepare before the match, you know, the warmup, that sort of stuff, I can control it, so of course I want to keep it the same.

Q. I heard you're good friends with Melanie Oudin.

Q. She had her own Cinderella quarterfinal run a few years ago. What do you remember about watching her do that? Do you think you could have that sort of everything coming together in one big week of big player to big player knocking out like you have done here?
SHELBY ROGERS: Yeah, I remember it very well. It was a time we needed an American player to kind of grab on to. She was so awesome, so feisty, and just really confident. It was definitely inspirational and gave me motivation to work harder, because I see her doing it, and why not me, you know?

So I hope that, you know, I can inspire some people too because that's really one of the biggest reasons why I play is, you know, for the kids growing up, for the people from Charleston. I want to be a good role model. Hopefully I am.

Q. You're also leaving here with heavier pockets than you probably expected. You got about $300,000 or so plus a lot of French taxes coming your way. Any immediate plans for any of that?
SHELBY ROGERS: Taxes -- I don't even want to think about that, gosh.

But, yeah, maybe I will do a little shopping before I leave. I have always been very careful with my money, I don't want to say "careful," but I like to have it, and I don't like to spend it too much.

So I think -- yeah, I think that's not gonna change very much.

Q. We hear about Charleston a lot on tour because of the WTA event there, but what kind of town is it for you, both the tennis history you've mentioned, and it seems like such a special place for the people that are from there?
SHELBY ROGERS: Yeah, it definitely holds a special place in my heart. Growing up there, the people are so nice and supportive, and no matter where I am in the world, they are always writing messages, and, you know, following me.

It's really cool, especially in the first round here when I saw the South Carolina flag from the fans, that was a really cool moment. I'm so proud to be from there and represent it, and just the love I get from there is really nice.

Q. They keep putting in the game notes you were the next-to-the-last player in the draw. I wonder if there was any story about that, how you found out you were in or how long it took and when you found out?
SHELBY ROGERS: Starting this year, my goal was to be in the main draw of the slams this summer, and I was maybe -- you guys would know better, maybe 140 starting the year, something around there.

Going back to, you know, my ranking dropped because of injuries, things like this. So I set my goal, main draw of the slams, let's do this.

I think the initial cut I was last in French Open, last in Wimbledon.

Made my goal, but just barely, and so, yeah, I have to set new goals. I think goals are very important, and anyone that's in the draw has an even chance, I think. So you're in, you're in.

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