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June 2, 2016
Dublin, Ohio
Q. Just characterize the round for me today. Obviously, I'm sure you're pretty pleased with the start.
KEVIN STREELMAN: Awesome real start. Birdieing 1 and then 3, and then eagle at 4 -- or 5. Eagle at 5 is a great start. Kind of held it together after that.
Hit just one bad shot at 9. Too bad that came out of the wedge just a little bit and dumped it in the water. Besides that, I played really good golf and putted great.
Q. When you see the flags as still as they were and the trees not moving around, do you feel like, hey, this is gettable?
KEVIN STREELMAN: Yeah, it was majestic as usual here. If you put it in the right spot, you're going to have good looks. You know the ball's rolling well, so the putts will go in.
Q. When you started like you did on that front side and you build momentum, what kind of confidence boost does that do for you, and what did you carry over to the back nine?
KEVIN STREELMAN: It was nice for me. I hadn't played well the past few weeks. I missed the cut last week, and I went back home to see my coach. Actually, me and my coach together went to see my mentor who started us both in the game, Dr. Jim Suttie, who's now 68 years old. He made a little time for us, and kind of got me back to swinging it like I did when I was a kid.
Went out and shot 63 the next day at Black Sheep, my course in Chicago I play at. Got a lot of confidence there. So been hitting it well this week. When the putter's hot and I'm hitting it well, I feel like I can compete.
Q. So what did you tweak? What was the magic?
KEVIN STREELMAN: Well, I basically just got the club in front of me a little bit more, and my elbow is a little more balanced at the top. I got it pretty deep in my swing, and the club was laying off. Feels a little shorter, more in front of me. Pretty simple stuff, but the way I used to swing when I was a kid.
Q. Good fix.
KEVIN STREELMAN: Yeah, good fix so far.
Q. Who is your mentor?
Q. Who is your coach?
KEVIN STREELMAN: Coach is Jake Thurm. We grew up together playing junior golf in Chicago and best friends, and now he's a well established teacher in the Chicagoland area. I kind of wanted to get back to basics and fundamentals of how I used to swing it, so went back to him about eight, nine months ago.
Q. It's always fundamentals.
KEVIN STREELMAN: Yeah. Doc just pulled an old video of me when I was a kid. Man, that looks more Adam Scottish. Just take away down your toe line and the club supported at the top.
My last instructor was big into Ben Hogan. Kind of laying off and trying to get me to rotate harder, and I just felt stuck. For the past couple years, I've been a little, I think, too deep. Just get a little higher in front of me and feels a little bit easier to hit the ball.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
