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May 23, 2016

Draymond Green

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: Practice Day

Q. Has anyone in the league talked to you yet?
DRAYMOND GREEN: No, I haven't talked to anyone yet. Bob [Myers] and B.J. [Armstrong] my agent just called me and told me they'll be calling soon, but not yet.

Q. What do you think of people who are comparing it to the Dahntay Jones incident [involving Bismack Biyombo]?
DRAYMOND GREEN: I didn't see the Dahntay Jones incident, but from what I heard is he punched him. If I come punch you in your head, I probably did that on purpose because I'm going to intentionally use my arm. I don't think you can ever really compare a leg to an arm.

There are multiple plays where I did it later in the game when I got fouled and my right leg went up. I always do it. Russell [Westbrook] said I did it on purpose, but he's part of the superstar group that started all this acting in the NBA. I didn't. I sold the call. He caught me that way, I sold the call.

I don't think it could be compared to a punch, a leg going in the air. It's completely different.

Q. That play aside, what was the night like for you knowing that you just didn't play well?
DRAYMOND GREEN: That's what was frustrating to me. I was just bad. I missed a couple easy ones and it just kind of killed my whole game. That was pretty frustrating, especially with all the boos, because I love boos and it usually helps me play well. It was frustrating that I couldn't get it going.

Q. I was going to ask you about the boos. You enjoy that in a way, being that guy?
DRAYMOND GREEN: Absolutely. That's fun. That means I'm on their people's minds. I really enjoy that. But I wasn't able to show that last night.

Q. Was it a different vibe though last night because after the incident it really seemed like things were a little more intense?
DRAYMOND GREEN: It's nothing I haven't seen before. Same thing in Memphis last year. I like that. I mean, they were booing me about that like I did that on purpose. I don't want them booing me for that reason like I did that on purpose. But I don't mind them booing me. That's always fun.

Q. Last night you said it maybe it did look like it was intentional. Did you look at the videos or ESPN showing it over and over again, and can you understand that people think, Man, that really does look like it was intentional?
DRAYMOND GREEN: I didn't watch ESPN. I've seen it on my phone. Like I said, I can see how somebody can think it was intentional, but yet nobody can go in my head and say, Draymond was thinking about kicking him and he kicked him.

If you watch my reaction, I walk back to the three-point line, clap everybody's hands, turn around and look like, What's the dude on the floor for? All the camera angles out there, they can see that too. It is what it is. People are going to judge what they want to judge. But like I said, I know I didn't do it on purpose.

My first thought was, like I said last night, I thought it was going to get rescinded, not be facing a suspension.

Q. Are you bracing for the worst right now?
DRAYMOND GREEN: No, I'm not braced for the worst because I don't -- Russell Westbrook kicked me at the end of the half. He just didn't happen to catch me where I caught Steven Adams. So, no, I'm not bracing for the worst.

Q. How does this lingering decision from the league maybe affect your teammates preparing for Game 4?
DRAYMOND GREEN: It won't. We're going to prepare the same. We're going to prepare as if I'm playing and we'll go from there.

Q. Last night you said one of the officials told you when they gave you the flagrant that they couldn't determine intent but they just did it because of the contact. Was it Tony [Brothers] or ...?
DRAYMOND GREEN: Scott [Foster]. Steph was already talking to him when I walked over there. I said, Scott, how am I getting a flagrant because my leg went in the air trying to follow through on the shot to sell a call. He said, Draymond, I'm not saying it was intentional. Honestly, I don't think it was intentional at all. But you caught him in the groin area, so I have to give you a flagrant. I didn't argue. I said, Okay, that's understandable.

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