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March 24, 2016

Kevin Na

Austin, Texas

Q. Consistently, strategically, mechanically, what have you been doing right these last two days?
KEVIN NA: I have been striking the ball very well. I haven't made too many mistakes. I haven't made too many bogeys.

Today I was three birdies, no bogeys for the first nine holes. In this condition that's very good. Then I made an X on 11. Overall, I've been laying very well. I've been applying a lot of pressure when I need to. Overall, I've been doing well.

Q. Strategy on this golf course for you, is it not necessarily being aggressive, but fairways and greens, fairways and greens?
KEVIN NA: There's hole locations where you have to play away. I think for mental and pressure, when you have that 40-footer, you want to hit it inside a foot and a half where it gets conceded so you don't have to wait around to have anther 3-footer. Because that keeps wearing on you. I know it's easier said than done, but you want to have the least amount of pressure, short amount of time, make sure he has more pressure longer.

Q. You take on Rory McIlroy, how do you approach that match?
KEVIN NA: I've been watching what he's been doing. I figured he and I are going to have an interesting match on Friday, which is tomorrow. The first day, when he was a couple down, I thought maybe somebody might take care of business for me. Fortunately, I've got to go and do it myself.

He's a great player. Obviously we all know he's the world leader, Hall of Famer. I'm definitely the underdog. I've been playing great. A few years ago I played against him, had him a few up and I lost on the last hole. That was disappointing.

Tomorrow I really think I have a good chance.

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