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October 29, 2004

Ian Poulter


GORDON SIMPSON: Ian, not a bogey on the card today. I think the only player in the field that's managed to achieve that and that probably speaks volumes for the level of your performance today.

IAN POULTER: Thank you. Yeah, the key to this golf course is just not make any bogeys and I was very, very pleased to be able to go out there today and obviously keep them off the score card. That's rare. Not many people go around without a bogey around this golf course. Greens are small. Pins are tucked and they are always tricky to get at. So I was really happy with how I managed to get up-and-down on the back nine. I made quite a few birdies.

GORDON SIMPSON: And especially after the way you started yesterday on the front nine.

IAN POULTER: It was not good. It was not the way I wanted to start on this golf course, especially knowing how hard it is to make your birdies around here and then keep ahold of them. So 3-over after nine holes was not a nice start.

I fought back very nicely and unfortunately bogeyed 17, which was a bit frustrating yesterday, but came out today and made the same sort of birdies I did yesterday around the back nine.

Q. Did you hole any big putts to save par?

IAN POULTER: I did. I had 142 yards into 10. For some reason, the pin was 22 yards back. I hit it and I managed to spin it off the front of that green, 70 yards short. I did manage to hit a great chip shot up to 40 foot and holed it.

I 1-putted 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18. But that was nice. It was probably the first putt I've actually holed for two days, really, of any length. Played 11 properly, up-and-down out of the bunker. Had a good chance at 12. It was just off the green but it had like half a ball of mud on the side of it and there was no chance that one was going in.

Hit it to a foot again on 13 like I did yesterday.

14, holed a 15-footer.

Lucky shot into 17 to a couple of feet.

Q. Easy hole, isn't it?

IAN POULTER: It's easy when you putt like that.

GORDON SIMPSON: You would not be aware of what Darren Clarke had done.

IAN POULTER: Apparently one of the marshals told Mickey as I was walking to our third shot. (Laughter.)

Q. Good timing. Did he pass that on to you?

IAN POULTER: He was told to move swiftly on. (Laughter.)

Q. You didn't know, though?

IAN POULTER: I didn't hear, no. I was aware that Darren was 3-under par on the board at one stage and next thing I look and he's not there. He's not going to make triple bogey at 18. I mean, he might make double at 17 and double at the last. Or -- I don't know, what did he make?

Q. 11?

IAN POULTER: He made 11?

GORDON SIMPSON: Just as well you didn't know that.

Q. Third, fifth and seventh shots spun back into the water.


Q. Glad you didn't know it?

IAN POULTER: I wouldn't have played that hole any different anyway. Someone always does it. Someone always does it. Someone always make 11 every year. Those greens are very, very soft and you know not to get the ball spinning.

Q. One out of ten for your year so far?

IAN POULTER: Ten for my season? One. I haven't won. I won twice last year. I'm 22 in the Order of Merit and I was fifth last year. I need to prove to myself this week that I can go out and win the tournament and keep my record going. I don't want to let up and not win every year. That's what I've come here for this week and that's what I want to go away with. If I do win, it will move me into the Top-10. But I would still say it's a disappointing year even if I win this week.

Q. So the one-out-of-ten is the Ryder Cup?

IAN POULTER: The one-out-of-ten is the Ryder Cup. I wanted to win at least twice or three times this year. I felt I've played well enough to win two or three times. Just a stupid stat from early in the season; had I have played the par 5s in the same number as the winner in the first 11 events, I'd have won the first eight, or I'd have won eight of the 11. So I'm disappointed so far this year, apart from the week of the Ryder Cup, which was awesome.

Q. Could you give me the details, please, of the birdies?

IAN POULTER: Par 5 11th was, I hit it to 5-foot out of the green-side bunker. Drive, 3-iron in the green-side.

13 was pitching wedge from 131 to a foot.

14 was 9-iron to 15 feet.

17 was pitching wedge from 80 yards to two foot.

Q. Driver from the tee?

IAN POULTER: Driver, 4-iron, pitching wedge. Sounds easy, doesn't it?

GORDON SIMPSON: Ian, you can escape. Thank you.

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