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October 25, 2015

Kevin Na

Las Vegas, Nevada

KEVIN NA: Seems like if I do finish second, it's going to be probably my eighth second place in my career. I played great today. My emotions were real level, felt like I never was up or down, played great. I hit a lot of great shots, a lot of good putts. I feel like I'm one of the best short games on TOUR, and to hit a chip like that, and as comfortable as I felt over the ball -- the lie was actually sitting up too high, like it was on a tee, and I just went under it. And with the Bermuda into the grain, I don't know what happened. I just -- you know, I didn't feel like I hit a bad chip. I felt like it was a good tempo, but the lie was sitting up maybe a little too high.

Q. So that was on 17. You don't think that was the pressure of the moment? It was more the lie?
KEVIN NA: Yes, I definitely was feeling comfortable. Even the shot I felt comfortable. I had it just -- maybe two feet right of the pin, which is perfect. I probably had to hit all of it. I felt like I was pretty pumped up, so if anything I had a smooth it a little bit to hit it close, and I was trying to make birdie. Like I said, I hit a good putt, maybe a little too firm, and 18 I hit my spot. You saw Jimmy's go off to the left, and I hit it right where I wanted to. If anything maybe six inches too hard. All I'm trying to hit is foot and a half by, maybe one, two foot by. It wasn't even that hard. So I hit my spot, and unfortunately it didn't go in.

Q. You know how hard it is to win out here, just one win in 301 starts, and I'm not trying to rub that in, but talk about these guys coming off the Web.com TOUR. Smylie Kaufman goes and posts a 61 today, puts 16-under on the board. What about this generation of kids that just come off the Web.com TOUR and are ready-made winners?
KEVIN NA: Ignorance is bliss. I guess it's one of those things, they play with nothing to lose. I'm sure he's a great player. I don't know him very well. But he played a hell of a round, and hat's off to him.

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