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September 20, 2015

Melissa Reid

St. Leon-Rot, Germany

MELISSA REID: It's complete respect and fair play to the Americans when they came out fighting, a bit of fire in the belly, I think. They played great.

We gave it everything, the girls did. We should be very proud of ourselves. We did give everything, but the Americans were just better on the day.

Q. At what point did you see things changing not for the better?
MELISSA REID: To be honest, I didn't think it was as bad as it was. Suzann's match was pretty huge, it was either 4-up, 3-up, 5-up, she was 6-up at one point. It's hard to come back from that.

You know, like I said, complete respect for the Americans, they just pulled it out of the bag this afternoon. We did the same at Killeen, and they've just done it to us in Germany.

Q. A little bit more motivation after what happened this morning?
MELISSA REID: Maybe. It's a difficult situation, I think. But we tried to get as fired up as we could. We focused on getting our points. And they obviously just played better than us. It's really gutting. I really wanted to drink out of that trophy.

But we should be very proud of ourselves. I think that we're a great European team, got a great captain in Carin, have a great support team. We have to celebrate whatever the result. And that's what Europeans do well, and that's what we're going to do tonight.

Q. You don't think it will be a matter of having to pick anybody up after this disappointment?
MELISSA REID: I think we'll have to pick a couple of the girls up. I knew that Caroline had a putt to win the Solheim, and that would have been perfect as a German.

But in the end, we didn't play well enough today. And we played very well this morning to get one and a half, two points. But we just didn't play well enough today. We needed four points and didn't get it.

Q. One thing is for sure, this is certainly a showcase for women's golf. Everybody must be delighted with how well this event has gone.
MELISSA REID: Yeah, it's great for women's golf. The competition, the way the people played. I mean, so many players played great this week. Lexi is a stand out for me, personally. I played against her and she could have shot 59 quite easy enough in the fourball. And if you wanted a special sort of spectacle from this golf, this is it.

I think, as 24 players, we should be extremely proud of ourselves. We showed what women's golf is, and it's a fantastic game. Like I said, we should just be very, very proud the way things have gone this week.

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