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September 20, 2015

Paula Creamer

St. Leon-Rot, Germany

Q. Congratulations. How do you feel today?
PAULA CREAMER: Words can't describe it. This is so exciting. I'm so proud of our team. I'm so proud of our captain, Juli, for just believing in everybody. And we did it.

Q. It's a fair amount being the captain's pick and holing the winning putt?
PAULA CREAMER: It's funny how it works out that way. Being in the anchor spot, you know there's going to be some pressure put on you. Did I know it was going to be to win? I'll take it, yes.

Q. How much did you feel the controversy this morning fired up the players this afternoon?
PAULA CREAMER: Huge. This game is about sportsmanship, and unfortunately that was not shown there. I wasn't a part of that match. I wasn't out there, but it's the game of golf and we have to remember that.

Q. (Inaudible.)
PAULA CREAMER: I'm so excited. I knew it was going to be a really tough match against Sandra, she's been playing so well. She wasn't going to give me any free shots. I had to go out and make birdies and that's what I did.

I'm so proud of my team. Seeing the red on the board, I tried not to look too much, but it was enough. What a great day. Honestly, what a great day.

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