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September 15, 2015
St. Leon-Rot, Germany
MODERATOR: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. We're awaiting a couple of others, but we'll get started. This is the press conference to conclude the PING Junior Solheim Cup, which resulted in a narrow 13 to 11 victory with the Americans, after a fight back from the Europeans.
If I could introduce the top table, to my immediate left is John Solheim, which is the CEO and chairman of PING and also the founder of this great competition.
Next to him, probably needs to introduction, Joanne Carner, captain of the winning American team.
On this side we have Iben Tinning, with two of her players, Olivia Mehaffey and Leonie Harm. I think we're now actually being joined by Sierra Brooks and Megan Khang.
If I could start, John, by asking you, this great tournament was founded in 2002. You must be delighted the way it's developed since that time?
JOHN SOLHEIM: It's phenomenal, the play this year, I've never seen so many birdies on cards, and there's some heart out there.
MODERATOR: Joanne, you must be a very proud person to captain this team to victory this afternoon?
JOANNE CARNER: I loved it. You know, I knew they played well, but until I really saw them in action, where they went head-to-head here, you don't really realize what great players they are. They're long hitters, but they also have a wonderful touch around the green, both sides. So it was very educational. In fact, I found myself staring at a few setups to see how they're swinging. I knew I could never get it back like they do, let alone even try to get it the other way. But it's just fun to watch.
MODERATOR: As you pointed out, the Europeans also played very well today. Iben, you must have been pleased at the way you fought back after a relatively disappointing morning.
IBEN TINNING: I'm so pleased with my girls, and as Joanne said, they both played really well. And what I saw in my girls today was they really played their hearts out and that was a big topic this week. So I'm really proud of them and I thought they fought, everybody, as hard as they could.
MODERATOR: Our two American players, I understand both went 3 for 0 this week. Did you enjoy the week? I'm sure you did.
SIERRA BROOKS: It was an amazing week, it was pretty special. An amazing experience.
MODERATOR: Olivia, you didn't quite do it, but I'm sure you took a lot of positives out of the week, as well.
OLIVIA MEHAFFEY: Yeah, it's nice to finish quite close with the Americans, and to have a good fight back. And normally we wouldn't play against the American players, and it was nice to see how they play and to learn from them. They putt so good. They hit it a little farther, which is a big advantage. It was nice to take something out of the week and learn a lot.
MODERATOR: It must be great playing for your own country, as well?
LEONIE HARM: It was great having the possibility to play with so many spectators, probably more than mine over the years. It was really great to have so many fans on the course. And even though I did not play my best golf this week, I learned a lot from that experience, anyway.
MODERATOR: Just before I open it to questions, if I can return to you, John, quickly. Could you explain why you decided to set up the tournaments back in the early 2000s?
JOHN SOLHEIM: Well, the Solheim Cup was phenomenal, and I wanted to bring more youth into it so that they would see it and have a chance. And I discovered the Ryder Cup had a junior event. And I said, hey, this will work. Let's do it. And we got it done.
You look at the play here, I mean, this match was so close. One match gone the other way would have been a tie. The play is phenomenal.
MODERATOR: If we can now open it to questions.
Q. This one is for Sierra or Megan, either one of you. Curious if you Googled Joanne when she became your captain, just to see what her record is and what she's accomplished and what you learned from her this week. She's very entertaining.
SIERRA BROOKS: Yes, she's amazing. Getting to have her as our coach has been wonderful. Actually my future college coach, Dianne Dailey, whenever I spoke with her before this event, she was telling me she played with Joanne. She was saying what an amazing person she is and how much she enjoyed getting to play golf with her. And everybody always wanted to be around her. And she has a contagious personality. I definitely said we all saw that this week and all enjoyed getting to spend great time with her.
Q. Will you girls get to stick around or will you be able to watch some of the big competition?
SIERRA BROOKS: We get to watch on Friday. We're watching the whole day on Friday, we're going to be out there early. And then we leave Saturday morning.
And for me, I go straight to school.
MEGAN KHANG: For me I'm just heading back home and practicing. I think all of us are staying home except for Mika; she's going home early to catch up on school. It's good for her, but she's going to miss out on a fun day for us.
Q. Joanne, when you were captain at the Greenbrier, I think it was, you had this magnificent sequined and star spangled hat. Do you still have it? And if so, did you wear it the last two days?
JOANNE CARNER: I put it in the World Golf Hall of Fame up in St. Augustine, Florida.
Q. Was it a hat you'd had specially made or did you find it?
JOANNE CARNER: No, it was a hat that -- we had a hairdresser that would travel with on the Tour, and she brought it as a joke. So I started wearing it. And Helen Alfredsson, who was on the Swedish part of the Solheim Cup for Europe, said that is the ugliest hat (laughter). So, of course, you know I had to wear it. So I wore it, including going to see the President (laughter). That's why I put it in the World Golf Hall of Fame. It just has many great memories, and I couldn't find anything that would come close to all the memories of that one. So I went bareheaded.
MODERATOR: Even great memories are just being mentioned there. What will your best memory be of this week?
IBEN TINNING: Well, there are so many. But I think just seeing the girls play and being in the locker rooms with them and cheering for them has just been great. And also being with my vice-captain, Sebastian, we had a great time, and I think we really had a good plan to beat the Americans, but not good enough. But I had so many experiences, good experiences. But being with the girls and seeing them play and play their hearts out was just fantastic today.
MODERATOR: Whet your appetite to give it another go sometimes?
IBEN TINNING: You never know.
Q. Alison Lee made a quick turnaround to get to the big Solheim Cup team. Have you guys followed her? I know, Megan, you're thinking a little bit more about the pro out here. Have you been playing attention to that and the possibility it might come pretty quickly?
MEGAN KHANG: Definitely, for sure. She's played so well this year, I've tried to look her up to see how well she's doing. It really inspires me to take that route. I know I have a few steps ahead, but she's setting a great example.
MODERATOR: Can I finish by thanking everybody very much for coming down. These girls have been very professional on the golf course, and I think you'll agree very professional in here, as well
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