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September 7, 2015

Flavia Pennetta

New York, NY, USA


6-4, 6-4

An interview with:


THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. You said on court you thought it was your best match of the year. Why is that?
FLAVIA PENNETTA: I play really well. I play really consistent from the beginning till the last point. So I am really happy about this.

Q. Is it helpful for you to step on court against a player you know you have beaten fairly straightforward over the last few years? Give you extra confidence?
FLAVIA PENNETTA: No, I mean, it's important. It mean like you know how to play. Every match is different. Every match is completely another story. So you have to go on the court and try to play your best.

That's what I trying to do all the time.

Q. What especially were you happy with today?
FLAVIA PENNETTA: Everything (smiling). I mean, everything was really good today: my serve, my return, everything was working pretty good.

Q. You played night session here before. When you think of the US Open, how much do you associate night matches with the US Open?
FLAVIA PENNETTA: I mean, what do you mean?

Q. Do you think it's a big part of the tournament?
FLAVIA PENNETTA: Today was not night session.

I mean, it's really nice to play night session. There are so many people. Is like a big event here. The stadium is always full and you feel it, no?

But, I mean, it's nice to play also in another event night session.

Q. Why does New York seem to really like you?
FLAVIA PENNETTA: Everyone ask me the same question. There is no answer for this question. I mean, I like to play here. I like to play this tournament. Maybe that's why I play always good.

But there is nothing different or special. It's always the same for me in every tournament.

Q. Is New York an easy city for you to be in for two weeks?
FLAVIA PENNETTA: Yeah, for two weeks is perfect. More? No (laughter).

Q. You wouldn't like it for much longer than that?
FLAVIA PENNETTA: No. It's too crowded. Too much traffic. I am a person for a small city.

Q. You could obviously play either Kvitova or Konta. Can you talk through the different challenges there for each player.
FLAVIA PENNETTA: I mean, play against Konta, it will be a little bit better because she doesn't have a lot of experience. But I think in this point, doesn't matter how much experience you have.

I mean, she's here in the quarter round, playing good tennis. So anyway, you have to go on the court and respect the opponent and try to play your tennis. Don't think too much about her game. You have to think about your game.

Of course, play Petra is going to be a big challenge because I never beat her before. Also because she's one of the best.

Q. What were your feelings when the drone hit the stands a couple rounds ago? Have you followed the news about what has happened since?
FLAVIA PENNETTA: I don't know what happen after that. But, of course, with all the thing happen in the world right now, I was a little bit scary because, I mean, I see a lot of police there and try to understand what it was. Nobody knows.

For a moment I was thinking, Okay, it's done. It's true. I mean, it's just a second it's happen like this. But in the end, was everything okay. Was a guy of 26, 26-year-old guy. I don't know what happen to him. I think he make a mistake. I don't think he was going on court.

But can happen. But I'm happy that nothing important happened.

Q. What do you think about the issue in general? What protections, if any, can there be when you're in an open stadium like that?
FLAVIA PENNETTA: I mean, there is a lot of police here, a lot of security already. I don't know what else you can do. I mean, they try the best all the time in every tournament. This tournament, it's one of the best for the security reason and everything.

You cannot control everyone. You try, but sometimes you can't.

Q. What does it mean to you to make the quarterfinals here in the context of your season, your career?
FLAVIA PENNETTA: Of course I'm really happy. This is one of the best tournament for us. It's always really, really nice. Doesn't matter how many times you get there, doesn't matter how many times you play in this court, it's always a big feeling, a big sensation. It's really important.

Q. Is it even nicer knowing there's two Italians in the quarterfinals?
FLAVIA PENNETTA: It's really good. 2013 we play each other in quarter to be in semis. I think was better to play each other, at least one playing the semifinal. I hope Roberta tomorrow, she has a good chance against Kiki. She improve a lot in the last three months.

I hope everything is going to be nice for both of us, and maybe to see each other in the last round.

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