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July 26, 2015

Bernhard Langer


Q. Just what is your verdict on this week?
BERNHARD LANGER: Well, it was an exciting week. It's very befitting the venue and the tournament: We had a great leaderboard, lots of good players up there on the board, a few lead changes as the day went by. And Marco just played phenomenally. Things went for him; he holed a bunker shot and he made two eagles, and leapfrogged both Monty and I. And he made an amazing put on 18 to make sure I couldn't tie him.

Q. It was exciting and dramatic right through the final back nine with those two birdies you notched to move ahead.
BERNHARD LANGER: Yeah, it was, very much so. The three of us were always fairly close together and just, you know, came down to who plays the last, whatever, eight or ten holes the best, and Marco did that.

Q. Do you take some comfort in the way that you finished with a fine final round?
BERNHARD LANGER: I do, actually. 64 on this course in these conditions, the wind was blowing pretty strong and it was raining most of the day. So I'm very pleased with the score. Obviously would have liked to be one better, but got to take what it is.

Q. And your record in this championship is exemplary, isn't it?
BERNHARD LANGER: It's been an amazing run, yes. Played some really good golf in The Senior Open Championship, and it's been a lot of fun.

Q. Are you off to the United States, Minnesota?
BERNHARD LANGER: That's where we're going tomorrow morning. Playing there next weekend.
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