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July 26, 2015

Marco Dawson


Q. I take it these are treacherous conditions to play in but you must be pretty happy with your position?
MARCO DAWSON: Yeah, I did some scoring today. I didn't start off very well with two bogeys on the first two holes this morning, and then made them up, got back to even and then played the last four holes pretty good. So the conditions are tough. When you're trying to stay dry and trying to figure out what the ball is going to do, there's just so much that you're thinking about that it's just tough, a tough day.

Q. I take it even that putt at the last where you had a puddle off to your left --
MARCO DAWSON: Yeah, I wasn't sure. They offered to let me move the coin over, and I said, well, let's squeegee and see what happens with it and what it looks like then it. Was fine. They moved a bunch of the water off inside, so it was fine.

Q. You said last night that energised was the key word. Are you staying energised?
MARCO DAWSON: Yes, we had something to eat and then went to bed quickly, got up; I ate. I've been trying to keep a full belly because I know it's going to be a long day out there. I'm trying to stay full of energy.

Q. Excited by the prospect of who you're playing alongside?
MARCO DAWSON: Sure, yeah. I don't know who I'm going to play -- I guess I'm going to play with Colin again. Yeah, that's fun. I played with him before. He's a good man.
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