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July 14, 2015

Lauren Kim


Q.  What's it like being here this week?  Pretty cool?
LAUREN KIM:  Yeah, it is really cool.  It's awesome to be here and to see how the pros are and how the life is out here.
I'm really excited for this week.  However it turns out, I'm just here to have fun.  My brother is on the bag, so that'll be interesting.  (Laughter.)
Yeah, it'll be a lot of fun.  Just looking forward to playing some good golf.

Q.  Has he caddied for you before?
LAUREN KIM:  No, it's the first time.  It's always been my dad.  I think my dad will come Thursday night, so he might caddie Friday; might not.  We'll see.
Yeah, it's my brother's first time.  We were walking down the fairway today he's like, Lauren, can you name all 50 states?  You think you can do it?  We were just going through.
It's been, yeah, a lot of fun to have him here.

Q.  First LPGA event, too, right?
LAUREN KIM:  Yeah, exactly.

Q.  Kind of a dream come true in a sene?
LAUREN KIM:  Yeah, in a sense it is.  I watched the LPGA on TV all the time and see the people that I've seen out here today play on TV my whole life basically.
So just being able to play alongside them and learn from them is really awesome.

Q.  Were you thinking about the exemption at the NCAA Championships at all?
LAUREN KIM:  No, not at all.  It was all about the team.  That was just an amazing week.  I was even surprised that coach had asked me if I could make it here.  I just got off a flight on Sunday from Korea at the World University Games, so I'm a little disoriented.
Yeah, I wasn't even thinking about it at all.  Nationals was just a very amazing team experience.

Q.  When ya'll won, I know you're the team representative, was there a set criteria at the start of the year, of, hey, whoever is the highest ranked one, or was it a decision to be made by the team?  How did they figure that out?
LAUREN KIM:  No.  I didn't even know we would get an exemption until the beginning of that week, and then it kind of slipped my mind by the end.
I remember in all the craziness of media after we won, we were on the cart driving over to the Golf Channel trailer, and coach was like, Lauren, are you here on the 13th of July?  I was like, Wait, what?  What's the 13th of July?  I was just so confused.
I was like, Yeah, I'm here.  She's like, Okay, she's got it.  I kept remember thinking, She's got what?  And then when we were in the trailer, she was like, Oh, yeah, that was for the exemption.  I hope you can get off your flight from Korea and make it.  It was kind of crazy and kind of just all a mess there.
But, yeah, it was pretty cool.

Q.  Emma played the U.S.  Open last week.  You played in Korea.  Who had the crazier last week?
LAUREN KIM:  I don't know.  Both of us were pretty crazy last week.  Yeah, it's good to be here with her.  She's an awesome player, too, so, yeah, should be a lot of fun.

Q.  When did you actually get back from Korea?
LAUREN KIM:  I got back at 11:00 a.m. San Francisco time on Sunday.  So I was trying as hard as I could to stay awake that whole day, packed, and then took a 7:00 a.m. flight out yesterday and drove seven hours from Chicago.
Yeah, been on the road for quite a while.

Q.  Dealing with jet lag maybe?
LAUREN KIM:  Yeah, I think I should be okay.  Slept pretty well last night so just kind of getting used to eating at the right rimes and sleeping and stuff like that.
So I think I should be prepared by Thursday.

Q.  Teammate played here last year.  Get any advice from her at all?
LAUREN KIM:  I actually haven't talked to her all that much about the course.  Probably a good idea to do that.  But, yeah, from playing it today seems pretty straightforward.  Nothing kind of alarmed my.
Yeah, definitely if I have any questions or anything, reach out to her and get some advice from last year.

Q.  Rocking the Stanford gear today.
LAUREN KIM:  I am.  I will be all week.

Q.  Got to represent.
LAUREN KIM:  Yeah, got to represent.

Q.  What was the celebration like on 18?
LAUREN KIM:  Oh, my gosh, on 18 it was crazy.  Then when we won I was kind of like crying and happy and excited and doesn't know what was going on.
18, yeah, was pretty crazy.  I don't know who it was that got a photo of it, but we're all screaming and you can see the excitement.
Yeah, that was really cool.  I don't know if there are words to describe how excited we were.

Q.  How neat is it that this tournament does that for women's golf, puts those two exemptions on the line at the end of the year?
LAUREN KIM:  It's really important, I think.  It's something that all the players can work towards and strive to accomplish.  I think it definitely puts women's golf on the map, too, just the fact that the NCAA, in my opinion, are now more exciting than they used to be.
And then to have an exemption to a pro tournament on the line too just makes it all the more exciting.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports

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