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April 30, 2015

Kevin Na


Q.  Good match.  You find yourself now in a position tomorrow where you've got a chance to advance?
KEVIN NA:  Well, he does got to win.  I don't know what his score was.

Q.  If Hideki wins and you beat him then you have a tie breaker?
KEVIN NA:  I was kind of pulling for Hideki.  I told him this morning good luck because I know when you lose your first match, you kind of have your fate in other people's hands.
Yesterday was a frustrating loss, I was 2‑up with two to go and basically I blew it.  Fortunately, this new format, you can lose the first match and still have a chance to advance like what I did today winning.
So my mindset, I was really disappointed after the way I lost yesterday.  I told myself, you know what, go win the next two matches and see what happens.  I got part one done.  I played great today, three birdies, no bogies.  Another round like this tomorrow, I think I've got a good chance.

Q.  It's not the easiest course for sure.
KEVIN NA:  No.  The roughs are getting longer and longer.  They are not mowing them.  Like that rough like there, it was brutal.  I couldn't even see my ball.  The key was to pop it on the green and I was going to win the match.  I hit a really good shot out of there.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports

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