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March 12, 2015
Q. Really solid round of golf. Good memories just being back here as a former champion?
KEVIN STREELMAN: Yeah. Just suits my eye really well. Hit a lot of fairways and greens. Putted pretty nicely.
Q. Putted pretty nice. You had 109 feet in putts.
KEVIN STREELMAN: I lost count out there but I made two long ones, two nice long ones and kind of made one of those other ones.
Q. Your confidence has to be growing because you're 14 of 18 greens.
KEVIN STREELMAN: Yeah, especially on a course like this. I had a great session with my coach the last two days and I had two weeks off as well the last couple weeks so I feel rested. Playing five of the next six. Nice start.
Q. Any specific changes for you in the lesson or just a little tune-up?
KEVIN STREELMAN: Little tune-up. I tend to get a little "slidey" off the ball and lateral action. Trying to stabilize and turn against it.
Q. Just another set of eyes. Looks like the course is going to give up some good scores because the greens are receptive?
KEVIN STREELMAN: The greens are receptive. The water is turned off the rest of the week. They'll get firmer and faster.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports