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July 6, 2002

Shani Waugh


Q. How do you feel going into tomorrow?

SHANI WAUGH: Pretty good, I think. Shot 1-over, but I was pretty solid. I don't think I missed many fairways and I hit a lot of greens. Putted pretty well. Little bit disappointed to be under fire, actually. But, I get a chance tomorrow and that's all I was asking myself to do today.

Q. You looked very calm out there. Were there many nerves playing with Annika?

SHANI WAUGH: Not really. I felt nervous when I bent over on the first tee and teed my ball up. Typical for me. But besides that, I was pretty calm, which is good, because normally I'd be really nervous. Maybe that's a sign of something, something good. But I was pretty calm and it's great playing with Annika because she's very easy to play with, very encouraging.

Q. (Inaudible.)

SHANI WAUGH: I had 243 to the pin and I hit 7-wood to about 25 feet, I guess. The ball was traveling fairly quickly when it went in the hole, that's for sure.

Q. Do you normally hit it low or is that just this week?

SHANI WAUGH: I wish I was that talented. I always hit it low, it's helped me off the tee into the wind, but struggling a little bit here hitting so low into the greens because the greens are pretty firm.

You can't have everything, I guess. I'm thankful I'm hitting low off the tee. It's been a big help.

Q. Are you playing well enough to catch Annika tomorrow?

SHANI WAUGH: That depends on her, actually. I'm playing well enough to shoot a low score like I did the first day, 3-under, if that's good enough -- I don't think it will be. But I think I can play that well tomorrow. It all depends on Annika, I think.

You can't rule out Juli Inkster. She's won before and she's a great player. There's a few girls hanging around that can shoot a low score. It's not just Annika's tournament.

Q. (Inaudible.)

SHANI WAUGH: Yeah, I think just a couple of bad club selections, it seemed. It's hard to get them all right out there because the wind is so gusty. We both hit the wrong club on the 14th and had really, really tough putts, and I was lucky enough to hit my close and she was able to get hers close. Just a bad club selection, I think, from her.

Q. Inaudible?

SHANI WAUGH: Making bogeys, and to miss the green by a couple of feet, and I really only had probably barely 20 feet to birdie. TO walk off with a 4 is very disappointing.

Q. (Inaudible.)

SHANI WAUGH: I just drove it in the rough and had a pretty nasty lie in the rough and tried to hit 9-iron to the front of the green and hoped it would release, but the ball just tumbled out of there and came up a little short. Pretty poor attempt at a pitch and left my putt short so it adds up to a 5.

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