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November 16, 2014

Roger Federer


 (On‑Court Announcement)

ROGER FEDERER:  Well, good evening.  I'm sorry I'm here in a track suit and not in a match outfit.
Unfortunately I'm not match‑fit to play the match tonight.  Clearly I wish that it wasn't so.
I try all year to be ready for the ATP World Tour Finals, and I didn't want it to end this way.  But I tried everything I could last night, also today, painkillers, treatment, rest and so forth, warmup till the very end.
But just I can't compete at this level with Novak.  In finals like this, it would be too risky at my age to do this right now.  I hope you understand.  I wanted to come out personally and excuse myself for not playing.
It's been a great week for me.  I played some great tennis.  I love coming to the O2, to London.  I've had so many great memories from here.
Congrats, of course, to Novak who's played an amazing season, amazing tournament here as well.  I hope we can play some more great matches hopefully next year.
Last, but not least, just thanks to all you guys for making it special to come out and play tennis all around the world.  I know you guys travel as well, spend a lot of money on tickets and so forth.  We really, really appreciate that, me in particular.  It keeps me going.  It's what makes me tick really at this age.  I hope I come back again next year and get another chance to compete for the title here.
Thank you very much and I'll see you soon.  Appreciate it.

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