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August 15, 2014

Jennifer Johnson


Q.  Did you think the pins were tough today?
JENNIFER JOHNSON:  Yeah, some of them are pretty crazy.  I'm like wondering what some people were thinking setting those, but you've got to stay patient because everyone's playing the same pin.

Q.  How difficult was that wind?  Was it picking up later in the round did it seem like?
JENNIFER JOHNSON:  Yeah, I would say middle of my back nine it really picked up.  I was glad I didn't have to play 18 with this wind because I don't think I would have gotten there.

Q.  When you guys talk about the wind, why does it cause you so many problems?  Talk about the wind.
JENNIFER JOHNSON:  It swirls among the trees, so it will be like gusting and one club will work and then it will gust and you'll need double that.  It's just tough because you have to adjust your aim, and you just have to pretty much just commit.

Q.  (Indiscernible)?
JENNIFER JOHNSON:  It depends.  If the wind keeps up, I would say, yeah.  Probably it does.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports

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