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July 13, 2014
Q. Ended today with 69, 2-under. What do you credit that to? KIRK TRIPLETT: Well, my two good rounds I putted really well. My ball striking wasn't as good as I would like it to be. Too many bad holes. Drove it out of play a couple of times. Struggled to even make bogeys. It's a tough course. If you make mistakes it eats you up.
Q. For the leaders coming down the stretch, what holes do you see them maybe to attack or go for birdie? KIRK TRIPLETT: Well, the back nine overall is playing short. Wedge on 10, wedge on 11, wedge on 12, wedge on 14, wedge on 15. Then 16, 17, 18 are tough. The holes you have wedges on the pins are in there pretty tight. This course is not about the length. It's about when you do hit a good shot, doesn't matter what club it is. You have to capitalize on it. You have to maneuver the ball out of this Bermuda rough, because it's almost impossible to play the course and hit on the green. Kind of always have to use Bermuda rough chips. 50/50 at best.
Q. Coming up, will you take some time off? Are you playing next week? KIRK TRIPLETT: Well, the British Senior Open and back on the regular Champions Tour schedule.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports