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June 14, 2014

Kevin Na


Q. How would you describe the setup today?
KEVIN NA: Oh, it was a lot more difficult than the first two days. It was playing faster and the pins were tucked a lot more where if you get a little careless, it could easily roll off the greens. And a lot of spots where when you are off the green, you hit it short or it will come back right back towards your foot. Obviously I got in a little trouble on that hole where -- the alternative of that was shot, the line I hit was right back where my feet was. It was easy to do.

Q. Have you had a 15-foot birdie putt in any other tournament? Your second shot.
KEVIN NA: Oh, yeah, I had a great shot. My reaction was I hit it and twirled the club, and this is good. It got a bad bounce. It went forward quite a bit and to the right. And I thought it was going to stay up, but it just trickled off the green. And I went from, like you said, having a 15-foot birdie putt to making double bogey.

Q. The location today was the main difference between the first --
KEVIN NA: I think so. And there was definitely more breeze out there. And the wind switched to a different direction, which we weren't used to. The first two days' wind was what we had in the practice round and today was a completely different one.

Q. How tough is it when you hit a good shot like that and then you end up getting a double? What does that do for your momentum?
KEVIN NA: Well, I look at it as I was ten feet from the flag. If I hit it right at the flag, it wouldn't be a problem.

Q. Did you pay attention to what Martin was doing? You got within four shots, did you know that?
KEVIN NA: I knew that. I was hoping if I could somehow finish at 4 or maybe even get to 5, that I might be within a couple of him. And unfortunately it went the other way.

Q. Was it too hard on a day like this to expect -- you were playing a great round, to expect that continue forever, that eventually the course is not going to kind of --
KEVIN NA: Well, you take one shot at a time. You don't think too much ahead. I did by saying that I want to finish four or five, but I was staying one shot at a time. I got a little unlucky there on 14, which led to a double bogey. And the rest of the holes I played pretty good except 16. I was in the bunker. I got a little aggressive with that par-putt. With the sun going down and it was hard to see my first putt, just hit a little too hard and I hit a bad putt on the second putt. So another double bogey. Easy to do out here.

Q. In Martin was not in it and 3 was the best score, and there was no rain tonight and the conditions were the same -- in other words, what do you think the best score is going to be other than Martin?
KEVIN NA: 2-under par.

Q. You don't think it's even like a 71?
KEVIN NA: What do you mean?

Q. For people that are minus 3, you don't --
KEVIN NA: Well, that's what I think. I think that tomorrow there's a couple of guys at 3-under. I think 2-under par is looking good for -- without Martin looking good. But with Martin, I don't know. Is he at 7-under or 6-under?

Q. He went to 8.
KEVIN NA: Oh, that's a big birdie. Then I guess if somebody is going to catch him, somebody has got to get to 4- or 5-under, I would say.

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