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November 14, 2011

Marquise Goodwin

Q. What's up with this offense? What's going on? How do you turn this thing around?
MARQUISE GOODWIN: How do we turn it around? I'd say continue to do what we've been doing. We got 900 yards the past three games, or I don't know how many yards we had last game, but the two games prior to this game we had 900 yards. We're running the ball really well. We get the passes when we can. I play receiver, sometimes it's kind of frustrating that I don't get the ball as much as I'd like to, but I was always told, if it's not broke, don't fix it.

Q. You guys continue to have injuries in the running game, that obviously puts more pressure on the passing game. Do you feel like the passing game is able to respond and pick up the slack?
MARQUISE GOODWIN: We're definitely able to respond and pick up the slack. You know, we've got a lot of great athletes on the team. That's all Texas recruits is good athletes. If you can't stand up, man up and assume that role, then you're not -- you're really not going to get the opportunity to go out there and play. You know, we work day in, day out. We work hard at what we do. All we can do is get better.

Q. Coach Brown kind of talked about the offense as a whole not being very good against Missouri. What do you need to do differently?
MARQUISE GOODWIN: We've got to do what we've been doing. We've got to come back this week and forget about the loss. We've got to come out there and work hard every day. Can't let this team beat us twice. Coach Brown says that all the time. I'm sure y'all have probably heard it before. We've got to continue to work hard, bust our butts at practice and just be relentless, go out there and play with a swagger, with an attitude, and just go out there and focus. When it's football time, it's football time, and I think we've got to -- we'll get it done this week.

Q. When Fozzy went down did you feel deflated, or what was the feeling?
MARQUISE GOODWIN: It definitely was a change in momentum for us because Fozzy plays a huge role in our offense. He's a great player. You know, our seniors are doing great this year. I love the team chemistry, the leadership that they bring to the team this year is just outstanding, and to have such a great leader like Fozzy go down, which happens to be a good friend of mine, is sort of depressing. But you've got to almost look past it and you've got to -- you've got to look past it and somebody else has to step up.
Things happened during that game. They lost their running back, as well. So you've got to keep fighting. Somebody else has to come in and do what Fozzy was doing. That's hard to say, but that's Texas football. That's what you have to do. That's what Coach Brown brings you here to do. And so when you get that opportunity, you've just got to make the best of it.

Q. Can you talk a little bit more about Fozzy and what he's meant to this program?
MARQUISE GOODWIN: He's meant a lot. Fozzy, he has energy every day. You can always expect to see a smile on Fozzy's face. Man, so energetic. Words can't even explain, if you knew Fozzy, you'd know it's -- I don't know, it's just ten times better to be his friend, being around him. This is my third year. It's just a great opportunity to have a friend like him and a teammate like him. He pushes you. He works hard every snap, every play, every opportunity that he gets, and to see something like that happen to him is just -- it's a disaster. He'll be better, though. He'll get better with time.

Q. Where do you think David has made the most improvements, and what could he have done better Saturday?
MARQUISE GOODWIN: David, he's a good guy. He's done a good job at staying poised and focused on what he needs to do. He studies film all the time. He's a young guy. He's stepped up. He's started the last few weeks. So I commend him on just being able to do that. It's hard -- like I played my freshman year, and it was hard to try to step up and try to make key plays. He's done it every snap. I only did that a few plays my freshman year, and he's done it every snap, and he has to run the offense. You know, he's done a lot.

Q. The passing game in practice, is it further along than what's coming out on the field on game day?
MARQUISE GOODWIN: Somewhat I can say. You know, we execute a lot better during practice than we showed in the game. You know, all we've got to do is connect, and once we connect, it'll be all good. You know, time will heal all, but we'll get it right. Nothing we can't fix.

Q. Seems like y'all were pretty close Saturday on a couple deep balls. Do you feel like you're that close to hitting those?
MARQUISE GOODWIN: Man, I was always told, football is a game of inches, and that definitely is true, because I was inches away from catching a touchdown pass. Like I said, when we get the timing right and the chemistry between us gets better, we'll connect on those and continue to make explosive plays.

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